
App Hunter Helps You Hunt Down Android Market Deals


I’m sure many people will appreciate this one. A new application called App Hunter has been introduced to help bargain shoppers find deals on paid Android applications and games. No longer will you have to check the Android market every day to see if that app you’ve been wanting has been discounted from $10 to $5 or $5 to $.99. Two other tabs in the app help you find the most popular free apps and new free apps – these things are already built into the Android market. App Hunter is (appropriately) free and can be found in the Android market today.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. First

  2. Just grabbed Asphalt 5 HD for $0.99 because of the screen shot. It was pre-installed on my mytouch 4g, but they want $6.99 to buy it through the phone, stupid, but I got it now for cheap, thanks Phandroid!

  3. Same here for Asphalt 5 HD,

    I also tried TileStorm which is said to be free according to the app, but the price is still 3.99 on the market…

  4. LMAO
    I d/l’ed. On the second page of the app I found our that Masturbator Pro is now free!!

  5. A bunch of apps listed in this program came back with item not found screens

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