
Android Insanity, Awesomeness at MWC 2011 [VIDEO]


Android tends to dominate in terms of noteworthy announcements and points of interest at tech trade shows these days and MWC is no different. But what IS different is usually 3rd parties promote their own Android wares with Google humbly playing the wall flower. MWC is different… very different:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I was pretty blown away. The “walking escalator” of Android Phones is pretty impressive by itself. At some point I’m just going to sit there and film every Android Phone that goes by out of pure amusement. Especially interesting are the out-of-US phones we typically wouldn’t see.

Also on display were the LG Optimus 3D, LG Optimus Tab, Xperia Play, and a ton of other Android devices as well as dozens of app makers and game devs showing their stuff. You already saw the Android smoothie I slurped up, and I’m still working on convincing Kevin or Quentyn to slide down the Robot Slide… leave your words of encouragement below.

I’d love to explain how exciting all of this was in more detail, but as you can see, there is WAY too much Android goodness to go around so I’d better get back to work, getting hands-on videos of the latest Android devices. You know, useful content, instead of just playing in the Android playground drinking Honeycombe slurpees all day.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Androidify Yourself: Google App Turns You Into A Cartoon Robot [VIDEO]

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Acer’s Prototype 10.1 Inch Tablet For Verizon Hands-On [MWC] [VIDEO]

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  1. “… and let’s head to the bar” :D Epic ;)

  2. “… and let’s head to the bar” :D Epic ;)

  3. Android Sushi!

    How much do I need to pay you to steal one of those android statues?

  4. Someone has to go down the slide before MWC is over.

  5. Go down the slide, bum!

  6. I wish I was there :(

  7. OMG.

    Rob, that is a fantastic idea. Have a static camera film the phones go by, and put captions under the phones with their names on it, upload it to youtube!

  8. Did you bring any gifts back for us? I want one of those android pins.

  9. ROFL someone already went down the slide and videotaped it

  10. One thing that is missing from that event is our massively HUGE sculptures like the ones we made for Google’s front lawn: Oh well. There’s always next year.

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