
Confirmed: Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Tab 2 Shown Off Tomorrow


I don’t think we needed THAT much confirmation, but here it goes anyway: Engadget’s saying that you can definitely expect to see the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 when Samsung unveils it at their Mobile World Congress event tomorrow.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The Galaxy Tab 2 will indeed be a 10 inch tablet and – even better – it runs Honeycomb. It’s also supposedly very similar to the Motorola XOOM, spec wise: a 1GHz processor and a hi-def screen resolution are said to be confirmed. It wasn’t said if the processor would be dual-core or not, but that new Exynos processor Samsung introduced might end up inside.

Also confirmed was the Samsung Galaxy 2, and its specs match up more closely to that pre-order page that popped up on MobileFun. It’ll have a 4.3 inch WVGA Super AMOLED display, an NFC chip, Bluetooth 3.0, and HSPA+ connectivity. This thing is as top of the line as a phone could get, it sounds like.

We’ll be roaming the show floor and attending Samsung’s event tomorrow, so be sure to stay tuned for coverage on these two devices as we’ll be hurting with anticipation trying to get our hands on it. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Thunderbolt Costs $249.99, XOOM $799.99 at Best Buy; XOOM Presales Begin Feb. 17

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  1. Woohoo! I only just got my Galaxy S this past November, but I can’t wait to see how behind the times I will already. heh.

  2. Woohoo! I only just got my Galaxy S this past November, but I can’t wait to see how behind the times I will already. heh.

  3. Woohoo! I only just got my Galaxy S this past November, but I can’t wait to see how behind the times I will already. heh.

  4. Will this one be on a permanent 2.2 build? /sarcasm

  5. Ohh God… the American´s Trolls…
    I have a Vibrant, waited for Froyo but any Android 2.1+ is enough for me, just give me the best piece of hardware!!!

  6. All very exciting. Any idea when this will actually be for sale?

  7. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  8. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  9. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  10. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  11. Don’t trust Samsung.

    Pity, nice looking phone,

  12. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  13. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  14. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  15. I think honestly to be at the top of the phone line, you have to either buy Nexus S, HTC ThunderBolt, Moterola Atrix, or the EVO 2 when it comes out. Those really are your only choices to be on top of the mobile world, and 3 of those phones havn’t been released yet. You really do have to wait for top of the line phones these days.

  16. i heard it’s going to have gingerbread (hopefully) i have vibrant right now with team whiskey’s bionix rom (froyo rom) and so far i’m loving this phone (except sammy’s crappy support) but even with their crappy support i’ll still go for this galaxy s 2… i’m dumb i know but i rather get this than boring HTC phones!!! htc phones all look the same to me now…. boring!

  17. I like the idea of a honeycomb tab, but I like my 7 inch tablet. Mostly for the thumb typing. Also the ability to put it in my back pocket is nice.

  18. Thunderbolt: Verizon only. Atrix: AT&T only for a while, EVO 2: Sprint only…. So Galaxy S2 will absolutely dominate Asia/Europe market unless HTC hits something like Desire 2.

  19. Tmobile.

  20. Looks like an iPhone 4, Even their touch wiz looks like iOS. I wouldn’t buy it at all especially with Samsung’s bad record when it comes to updating their android phones.

  21. What the hell is going on with comments?

  22. Looking into the problem @acordes157

  23. At&t why not put att? It’s cleaner! Lol. So no super amoled plus screen???

  24. what @acordes157 said!

  25. what @acordes157 said!

  26. I’m really disappointed. It’s top of the line, but the line really hasn’t moved. It’s more like a Galaxy S+ as opposed to a 2.

    And with the way Samsung handles updates, I think I’ll stick with AT&T thank you.

  27. So many people ask for updates of Galaxy S, but I think Samsung is not obliged to upgrade the os. Do you ask MS to upgrade Windows XP on your notebook to Windows 7 for free? You purchased Galaxy S with 2.1. That’s it. If Samsung upgrades to higher OS, it would be a bonus.

  28. Do you ask Microsoft for upgrading Windows XP on your notebook to Windows 7 for free? Why so many people complains about not upgrading Galaxy S?

  29. Do you ask Microsoft for upgrading Windows XP on your notebook to Windows 7 for free?

  30. The amount of crap defective galaxies really scares me… its like your car is supposed to do 100MPH but it only gets to 40 when you put the pedal to the metal. Traditionally i love samsung, my experience with the i9000 has been horrendous, these specs are enticing enough to make you want to buy it but… the goddamn track record. (Who cares about those goddamn updates you can do that your self, i mean more like hardware defects you cannot fix)

  31. wow massive repeat problem?? honestly i’m not a fan of the Nexus S it’s too much like the Android iPhone for me, i miss the Nexus One but i’m also partial against Samsung and Towards HTC.

  32. The SGS2 is almost top of the line, but so far rumors state it has 512mb RAM. Why last year’s memory specs, Sammy?

  33. @Dante, no you don’t ask Microsoft to update your pc for free because Windows is a proprietary piece of software. Android is given to the carriers for free so they should give free upgrades especially considering their isnt even an option to pay for an upgrade, which I think many people would be glad to do so if one was even available

  34. Galaxy S2 is too big phone for me, galaxy Tab is too big tablet for me


  35. I give PROPS to the Htc Thunderbolt and the Motorola Atrix as of when they are released they will be considered to be the best… But by June 2011 the next WAVE OF DEVICES WILL BE BETTER.. Htc Pyramid, Htc Droid Incredible 2, Htc Evo 2 4g, Motorola Droid X 2, These devices WILL RULE THE SUMMER OF 2011 RIGHT INTO FALL… Can’t wait for my new Htc Evo 2 4g

  36. @mino,

    You need to get some bigger hands :-)

  37. “wow massive repeat problem?? honestly i’m not a fan of the Nexus S it’s too much like the Android iPhone for me, i miss the Nexus One but i’m also partial against Samsung and Towards HTC.”

    I personally own the device and there is absolutely NOTHING that relates the Nexus S to an iPhone.

  38. If your BB bold died today, and you had to stay ATT, would you get a Galaxy S or ?

  39. Hopefully when this phone comes to tmobile, they don’t change it up like they did with the vibrant.
    And btw, it has 1gb of ram according to engadget. And I’ll take orion over snapdragon and tegra any day

  40. @ dan. Haha. You made my day. Thanks.

  41. Whe you bought the eic in the store the reps would tell you an update is coming in the next few weeks because the evo just got updated and they would sell you the dock that only works with 2.2 and not on 2.1 so they were selling you a product that didnt even work with the phone.

  42. 10” display doesn’t a good idea i think. I rather choose previous version if they cut the price. Because i prefer to fit my tablet on my pocket.

  43. @Android World…you can fit a 7″ tablet in your pocket?

  44. Galaxy Tab is awesome. I’ve had it for a month now and it has become indispensable. Make sure to put Opera on it though, it has browser hardware acceleration and makes web browsing very comparable to a desktop. It is in beta and has many bugs that need to be fixed but compared to all the other android browsers, hardware acceleration makes a big difference.

    I was kind of hoping for an upgraded 7″ tablet, I’ll just wait for the next Galaxy Tab 3. The smaller size is perfect for portability, get the wallet case and carry it like a wallet.

  45. 1. Who’s going to be the carrier Galaxy S2? TMO or ATT?
    2. What’s the processor? single/dual core? specs?

  46. Galaxy S 2 will rule the world. All-kill plz for 2011 too!

  47. More Android goodness. Samsung have fixed their update problems and have shown they fastest mobile innovators at the time. This year alone they have led way in hardware design, interface design, and screen design. This device eats all the American garbage currently in the market. crApple and BB now two generations behind Samsung as is shown in how they copying Samsung.

  48. @compadre – I’m sure you’ll find out those today, be patient!

  49. I have an epic and love it. Software means nothing to me i buy for hardware and that is where samsung shines. Whoever compares the gs2 to a thunderbolt is out of there minds. This phones going to rock period.

  50. will this come out on all networks or just tmo. please be sprint ive been waiting for a great phone to come out. The epic is nice but never got an update and the echo is just ahh.

  51. lol multiple posts fail (it will be ironic if this post ends up posting multiple times)

    If the GPS actually works in this phone, and it doesn’t have any other odd crippling issues, and is available with 850/1900 bands then I am interested as well. Maybe this will be worthy of upgrading from my Hero finally. If not, it’s another fail.

  52. lol multiple posts fail (it will be ironic if this post ends up posting multiple times)

    If the GPS actually works in this phone, and it doesn’t have any other odd crippling issues, and is available with 850/1900 bands then I am interested as well. Maybe this will be worthy of upgrading from my Hero finally. If not, it’s another fail.

  53. lol multiple posts fail (it will be ironic if this post ends up posting multiple times)

    If the GPS actually works in this phone, and it doesn’t have any other odd crippling issues, and is available with 850/1900 bands then I am interested as well. Maybe this will be worthy of upgrading from my Hero finally. If not, it’s another fail.

  54. lol multiple posts fail (it will be ironic if this post ends up posting multiple times)

    If the GPS actually works in this phone, and it doesn’t have any other odd crippling issues, and is available with 850/1900 bands then I am interested as well. Maybe this will be worthy of upgrading from my Hero finally. If not, it’s another fail.

  55. *facepalm*

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