
Could this be Google’s Super Bowl Ad?


Super Bowl XLV is less than a week away, and while the the big show will feature the Green Bay Packers facing off against the Pittsburg Steelers, there is another event we always seem to watch for. No, I’m not talking about the as-of-lately ho-hum halftime shows, either. For whatever reason, the Super Bowl is the one day of the year people actually get amped up about commercials, and while you can expect many companies to spend their millions of dollars for 30 seconds of ad space on exciting spots that go pop, bang, boom, if this little video that was recently discovered happens to be Google’s pitch they are going for a slightly more subdued approach.

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Still strange they aren’t advertising Android, that is if this is the Super Bowl spot at all. We suppose Motorola’s XOOM ad for the big game does that pretty darned well itself. And why spend the advertising dollars when another company can do it? What do you guys think?

[via ChromeSpot]

Kevin Krause
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  1. no way they’d spend that kind of money and not show android

  2. This is NOT a Super Bowl ad. This is a teaser for the Real thing. Stay tuned.

  3. Wow…very clever, i think it’ll bring a few new users to the chrome browser. Bravo

  4. So does this mean the omni bar finally gets instant search?

  5. Android’s already massive, they don’t need to push it anymore. It’s going to continue to push itself. Chrome can always steal more market share from IE and Firefox

  6. “Super Bowl XLV is less than a week away, and while the the big show will feature the Green Bay Packers facing off against the Pittsburg Steelers”

    Learn how to spell Pittsburgh. Or at very least spell check.

  7. I hope this is the Super Bowl ad.

  8. Really Bob?

  9. That ad fails. It was really stupid.

  10. WTF? They’ve been smoking too much pot.

  11. pushing chrome is smart, android has flash, apple has h.246 – chrome no longer supports h.246. If chrome gets more popular, more web designers will include flash rather than h.246 – making android more useful for browsing the web.

  12. This spot (localized of course) we have been seeing in our TV for over a month in the Czech Republic

  13. Google should promote Android once the new Honeycomb inspired UI is in phones, too. Others are more concerned with promoting their devices than promoting Android. Plus, think about, if Google promotes the stock Android experience and people love it(that’s why they should do it with the new version only), more people will be asking for stock Android phones, and will be picking those from the stores, instead of the skinned ones. Also, if Android becomes a stronger brand, manufacturers will love to be able to associate themselves with it, since they know it will bring them more sales.

  14. Amazing, I didn’t even know Pittsburg, KS has an NFL team.

  15. my omnibar already has instant search. version 9.0597.

  16. Or as we Packer Backers call them: “The Armpit Stealers”

  17. @shr1k3r:
    The omni bar has instant search in beta and dev versions. It’s glorious!

  18. stupid.

  19. gingerbread is going to be sent OTA to all androids during halftime…trust me

  20. Pregame commercial, maybe.

  21. They did the same thing with a commercial last year advertising google search. Not surprising if this is thier super bowl commercial based on last years.

  22. they’re bringing Google MentalPlex to chrome!? YES!


  23. Lame.

  24. this is stupid, they SHOULD be advertising google chrome WITH google TV! you could show all the search features you can do while watching… like say there is a call and you are unsure what it is… just press the search button and look it up, or look up players on the other team or injuries or a number of other things while watching the game…. but of course “Only with Google TV” can this be done and it would be a perfect advertising strategy

  25. @Bob: That is the correct spelling of Pittsburg, depending on who you ask. It was the official spelling in the late 1800’s through 1910-1911.

  26. Yikes. In a bad way. That is one lame ad. Not a bad idea for Google to push Chrome (which I believe still ranks third in browser usage) but they need to do better than this … This does not cut the mustard.

  27. @Kanye
    Been running GB on my OG Droid for a few weeks now. It’s really nothing all that special.

  28. @Chad It’s 2011, last I checked. FWIW, dropping the “h” briefly in the 1800’s was a result of an error on an official government map. It was only the “official” spelling.

  29. And by “only” I mean never.

  30. What people seem to forget is that android is always the operating system that is part of the commercial product and not the product itself. It shouldn’t be advertised to the public unless its part of the advertisement for the phone it powers.

  31. God why are the commenters on this site always such bitches?

    You people are never happy.

  32. net neutrality? not at google
    this buffered in no time though on 1080p, not very usual …

  33. I don’t think Google will ever advertise Android until they can unify the OS between devices. Even then, you don’t see advertisements for UNIX/Linux as much as you may see a commercial for a Dell machine that ships with Ubuntu.

    I feel that it isn’t Android that is going to succeed as much as it is it’s open source nature that allows manufacturers to modify it. HTC’s Sense UI and software framework allow them to sell Android devices to the same home consumers that the iPhone attracts. Motorola with its interesting QWERTY-favoring form factors and emphasis on security can allow them to compete with RIM. All Google needs to do is support both needs innately with their Android software so that each manufacturer can modify and append their own implementations of their philosophies and sell their goods to the appropriate customers.

    In essence, the people who need to ramp up their advertisements are the hardware manufacturers, not Google. HTC was doing a decent job with its “YOU” campaign and Motorola/VZW of course with the Droid series. Also, these same hardware manufacturers need to spend MORE time and money, not less, on making their own skins.

    Instead of seeing GE as the way Android should be, we should see that Android has been and most likely will continue to be customized to sell itself to specific types of users in a way that the closed Blackberry, iOS, and webOS can not, so we should embrace these differences and make them work through stronger manufacturer advertising campaigns, leaving Google to only have to advertise for their strength: web services.

  34. super bowl?

  35. “Wide” as in wide right……..
    Why must Google make fun of Buffalo and our crappy football team???

  36. It is so tempting to go online and see some of these commercials before the game! This will be the first year I get to stay home and watch the game in HD with DVR. I work for DISH Network, and had my system installed a week after last year’s Super Bowl. I got a 722k receiver so I have been watching sports in 1080p ever since, but can’t wait for the biggest sports day of the year in HD.

  37. Don’t be so hasty, Kevin with a K! Google’s much smarter than that.

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