
LG Optimus 2X 1080p Recording Samples Come to Form


The LG Optimus 2X – while now official – hasn’t been extensively fondled by many. Pre-embargo, however, it seems some camera samples have found their way to YouTube straight from the device. This thing does full 1080p HD video recording – something I don’t think many other phones can say they’re capable of achieving.  I’ve gotten as best of a peek as I’m going to get, but I’m on a netbook that can’t handle HD video without struggling. So I’m just going to trust that you guys will give me your opinion on how good it looks in the comments section below. [via Gizmodo]

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  1. wow thats like a the quality of a freaking canon $300 cameras vid quality o_o also it seems like u use the volumes buttons to zoom? someone clarify please? id def buy it if it came to canada on aws for 600 bucks or less

  2. When not in zoom mode, the video looked quite sharp. However, when they zoomed in; the video looked like it was out of focus. I would assume they are using digital zoom as opposed to optical zoom. I also thought the colors did not appear to be that bright. This may have been due to it being cloudy outside.

    Also, I love seeing Greece. It appears they might have been in Agios Nikolaos, Crete. A few of the ships had Agios Nikoloas on them. Ζήτο η Ελλάς!!!

  3. Oops! Ζήτω η Ελλάς (Long live Greece)!!!

  4. Beautiful! Just simply beautiful…

  5. It’s not Blu-Ray quality, but it is decent quality and without the digital zoom, worthy of a good phone. It is one of the better camera phones on the market, trading shots with the Nokia N8.

  6. Ok phandroid, what’s going on? You have been very slow posting lately. What happened to the podcasts?

  7. omg. not sure if i’d go quite as far as first comment, but it looks gorgeous! best i’ve seen from a cellphone, hands down! wow

  8. Noce quality (i’m in Athens,Greece right now its WONDERFUL)

  9. The footage looks incredible sharp when not zoomed, which is pretty logical because it’s digital zoom.

    Only the fps is pretty shit.

  10. I agree… I’m guessing there’s no optical zoom here, but I’m impressed with the quality of footage here. I’m curious to learn more about the specs.

  11. Like wolverineguy55 said, zooming in throws the focus out of whack, plus it has that tell-tale wavy rendering when panning quickly. For no zoom and no moving about, it’s quite good.

  12. I would wait to see the fps at 1080p. That is often overlooked..and it makes a HUGE difference. Especially sports events like football, racing etc.

  13. i just have to say,i hate all LG phones,but something about this one,for some reason,i love it.This looks like a pretty solid phone.

  14. My Fascinate records at 720p/30fps, but holy crap anything over 30 seconds long is a hughmonster sized file. I can only imagine the file size of a 1080p recording!

  15. Wow, thats amazing for a smartphone. Colors seemed plenty bright to me, any more than that and they would start to get artifacting from over saturation and bleed into the rest of the surrounding pixels. I find the best test to be how a camera handles shades of a various color, like grey for example. If you pay close attention to the clouds it seems like this camera does have really nice depth in distinguishing colors close to the same value. They do get blown out at the brightest part of the clouds, however on a overcast day like that its probably due more to the way the sensors light metering works rather than a low quality sensor setup.

    This looks like its shaping up to be a rather nice model. Lets hope they can keep it updated, and the custom ui to stay at a minimum.

  16. my huawei ascend sucks cok

  17. iphone 720p recording got auto focus even when you started recording. Android will never beat iPhone if they never improve it.

  18. What’s this ifool talkin about. This phone is the only phone capable of 1080p recodind @ 30 fps and hdmi mirroring with surround sound. something iphone wished it can do! Its got a dual core nvidia chip not a single core. And you don’t know if this phone has auto focus or not.

  19. If we wanted to talk about iclones we’d go to an iclone website.

  20. er… Zi… wtf are you smoking? My Vibrant has auto focus for it’s video

  21. @Sunday

    my htc droid incredible cant. it only auto focus before record, but not during record.

    here is what i meant:

  22. I can’t believe that video was taken from a phone… @Zi Android killed iPhone the second they open sourced it. Go cry about your problems on an Apple sponsored website :)

  23. @Chris

    F’tard, i got an android phone and im a fan of android. but face it, iphone’s camera can kill android camera any day.

  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_v4EJT3aTg&feature=player_embedded

    i LOL’d, look at iphone’s, it’s dark and i cant see a thing. /sarcasm/

  25. @zi…….Hahaha, as if.

  26. @zi that would depend on the phone, android is the operating system, nothing to do with video quality, that up to the manufacturer, the hardware they put in and drivers to run it, so I’m assuming you checked out video recording on every android based phone with that comment……..Though not.

  27. Very nice coming from a phone especially. Can hardly wait to get this phone. A real i(whatever) killer in all respects. Hoping the Bionic is close as well. Droids ROCK the House.

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