
Motorola: Froyo for European Milestones in Testing, User Trials Next Week


Looks like we’re moving closer and closer toward a release of Android 2.2 for those of you Milestone owners in Europe. It’s been a lengthy, drawn out process, but Motorola’s finally making progress and it seems you guys will be getting a nice gift heading into the holiday seasons.

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Hello. From next week we start user trials of the European Milestone upgrade to Froyo. Once these are complete, we will know what further work is required to optimise, before going into final testing and approval stage. As previously we plan to start rolling the update at the end of this year, but wanted to keep you updated. Thanks

This was after Motorola was unsure if they would even issue an upgrade to Android 2.2 for the device. I’m not so sure they would’ve received as much backlash as they did if they hadn’t quickly issued that same upgrade for the American counterpart – the Motorola Droid on Verizon.

Everything’s well for at least one group of you now, though. We’re still awaiting their decision on the Latin American Milestone, and we’re still waiting for users on their 1.5 devices to be stepped up to Android 2.1. Let’s get this ball rolling sooner rather than later, Moto.

[via Motorola Europe Facebook] [Thanks, Richy!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. This is taking way too long. It has become pretty clear that Motorola does not put high priority to its european customers.

    My next phone is going to be HTC.

  2. Milestone user in Canada here….at least you are getting it before us :/

  3. Yes. Get a move on is right. I’m still waiting for 2.1 on my Cliq. Being stuck on 1.5 is painful. I don’t even bother looking for apps anymore because most of the don’t work unless you at least have 1.6. Grrrr!!

  4. It’s nice to hear 2.2 has entered some kind of testing, but based on past performance, this stage will probably last for 2 months for UK users – by which time I’ll have my HTC Desire Z.

  5. motorola sucks!!!they are a disgrace to android!!they had good phones in the beginning but now they have the moto charm,moto backflip,moto flipout and now they are coming out with a non touchscreen android??i hate you motorola!!!!

  6. The Latinoamerican version of the Milestone has been already set to Q1 2011. https://supportforums.motorola.com/community/manager/softwareupgrades

  7. Yay! About time! I’m not one of the Motorola bashers club, but I do think that in Europe we are treated a little shabbily by Moto. I do hope that this is the beginning of Motorola realising that there is a market outside of North America. On to more pressing matters now, I hope the FroYo update works well and irons out a few kinks, namely shoddy battery life, I struggle to get 8 hours out of my Milestone! (Vanilla 2.1, with all updates from Motorola) and a ridiculous amount of overheating, even when it’s in my pocket. Other than that, I’m chuffed with my EuroDroid, just give us more support please Motorola…

  8. I am one of the Motorola bashers, since I have a Latin-American Milestone. You guys in Europe will get 2.2 first, Motorola was planning not to let us in the Froyo bandwagon, so if you feel left behind, What can we say for us? Fortunately after tons of pressure on different Motorola-related sites, we got them to give it to us, but I made my mind long ago, my next phone will be an HTC.

    HTC phones’ coolness and flexibility software-wise is something I deeply envy.

  9. … good to know all the bugs will be worked out by the time it gets here in Canada, sometime in the 21st century.

  10. the.death.of.android.is.in.the.fragmentation.

    i do not need dell to upgrade my pc from vista to 7. there should be some common ground for upgrades to just…..happen.

  11. how about in Froyo Upgrade in Asia, especially in INDONESIA…we wait!! just come,,

  12. same as Juhani
    my next phone is an HTC

  13. True. The system needs a common upgrade path for users.

    Manufacturers should be providing “drivers” (?!?) only. I don’t need Dell to provide Windows updates, I should not need Motofail to provide me Android updates.

    This whole software+hardware binding was abandoned a long long time ago on the PC market. It’s about time for it to happen on the mobile industry.

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