
Dell Thunder Prototype Gets Some Early Camera Time


Yay, blurrycam! This morning, the Dell Thunder – which we last heard about after a series of big Android-based Dell leaks back in April – has finally popped back up in video form. Not much is shown here – a quick closing of the application drawer and a swipe of the homescreen were all we could gather – but we did get a look at the back of the device and the 8-megapixel camera that’ll be on this thing.

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If you don’t remember, earlier specs include a 4.1-inch AMOLED display, and Android 2.1 with Dell’s custom skin on top (this could change, obviously, as the device isn’t expected until Q4 for AT&T). We also believed this device would have a screen with a WVGA resolution, but judging by how many icons are displayed in the app drawer, it could end up being higher (much higher). We still have some time to go before an official announcement, but the device is still real and it looks like it’s coming along nicely.

[via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Nice!

    Let’s hope for gingerbread and 1280×720!

    We have to silence those “retina display” fanboys, eh?

  2. Um, sorry, but I highly doubt that’s Android 2.1 on there. Look at the web browser icon. It’s named “Browser” instead of “Internet”, which was the way it was in Android 1.x. The browser icon itself also looks like the 1.x version. Let’s hope that’s only because it’s a prototype. If the final release has 1.6 or older on it, it will be an instant fail, if for no other reason than the ever-increasing number of apps that require 2.0 or later.

  3. Dell’s big push into the Smartphone business is very intriguing to me. The fact that they believe they can compete is interesting in it’s self but awesome for us consumers.

  4. I’m going to setup a website that’s dedicated to showing people how to use Macro mode on their cameras.

  5. Impossible amoled shortage for 4 years remember?;)

  6. that’s why I don’t trust engadget camera reviews

  7. Repeat I will not buy a Dell phone. Don’t know how good the quality is after seeing the Aero and the Streak I’m not getting the Thunder. Why their even in the phone business? I have AT&T and I’ll will try to hold off to see the PlayStation Phone.

  8. @ JJFNIGHTS80

    You might be holding off for a while then. The PSP phone is a rumor thats been going around for a few years now. Don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE one, but until there is official word from Sony its still just a rumor.

  9. It doesnt really look like AMOLED to me to be honest. It looks like theres a backlight, and the black in the app screen doesnt look as good. Maybe its just the camera though.

  10. Now that is one beautiful looking handset

  11. The phone has a nice “business/work” look to it. Display looks quite good. That’s about all one can say at the moment.

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