
Brazil Gets Digital TV-Enabled Samsung Galaxy S


Brazil’s the latest market to get its own Samsung Galaxy S with one very unique feature: TV on-the-go. The Brazilian Samsung Galaxy S will come preinstalled with an ISDB-Tb Digital TV tuner (complete with retro antenna) and all of the other features you expect to see out of Samsung’s Galaxy S phones (Hummingbiard processor, HD video recording, 5-megapixel camera, 4-inch Super AMOLED display, and 8GB of internal storage).

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If you want to get your hand on one of these be prepared to drop a hefty BRL2,399 (that’s $1,367!).

[TecnoBlog via Samsung Hub]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. WOW! thats a steep price for a TV enabled phone.

  2. Well, it’s not like it’s Sprint TV or the simple mobile tv. This is actual tv! I wouldn’t buy it but it makes since.

  3. You find that expensive? You should see the prices on cars and laptops in Brazil.

    Well, the steep price is not because of the TV at all, here in Brazil all cell phones are insanely expensive. It has to do with the value of the currency (every 1$ is usually worth around BRL1.5) and the fact that the phones are imported, among other factors. Also quite a few phones here have TV capabilities. It’s unfortunate that they cost so much in Brazil, luckily I live in Canada.

  4. DAMMIT!!! Why is this not an option for me? I know exactly what I want and they are selling them everywhere in world but North America!! This is bullsh*t!!!

  5. This is barely related, but does anyone else want to tape an antenna to their phone just to screw with people?

  6. Yes, here in Brazil anything related with tecnology is very expensive, taxes over imported things are VERY, VERY heavy over here.

    And off-course… no paid apps, shame on you google :P

  7. Other thing to consider, our DTV standard is different than yours, so if you could get an brazilian S you maybe can´t see tv.

  8. And here I thought I was only jealous of Brazil for their women.

  9. Have you seen how much a Big Mac costs in Brazil? You will never eat out again!

  10. This is probably why the Japanese version of the Galaxy S won’t be released until October.

    I don’t mind the TV, though I don’t need it, as long as it doesn’t bump up the price too much.

  11. This is the exact same model as the Korean Galaxy S (original). Korea, Mexico, Brazil, and many other countries have a DTV band that’s suited well for mobile devices. In the States, these devices will not pick up our over the air DTV.

  12. guys,

    is this picture photoshopped?
    Does there exist a video with DTV working on this item?

    from Bergamo-Italy

  13. It´s not the TV the cause of that price, just for all of you have an idea an iPhone 3GS whitout any contract with a carrier is around US$1,150 and a motorola Droid around US$1,000.
    We usualy pay the double (in US$) on any notebook, cell phone, TV, digital camera, etc…

  14. Rob, if you want to see the brazilian Galaxy S, you can watch this video at youtube (you don’t need to understand portuguese):


  15. This price is without any Plan and also a release price. I have bought mine for BRL 899,00 (that’s $548,00! with a plan. Yes, it’s still expensive, but that how life it is in Brazil, we pay a lot for taxes, that’s real sucks, but will always be people who can afford. Anyways, i love it! The tv resolution is great and now i can watch my soccer games at any place…

  16. Hey Alex! Now the market is able for us here in Brazil, now we can buy apps from there. And i don’t live in Canada or US, i am not that luck, i live in Brazil and I am subject to such taxes absurd, but in return I see beautiful women anywhere, and best of all, I get on very well with them.

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