
Verizon Support Site For Droid Refreshed to Show FRG01B System Update


droid_upgrade4 (1)Froyo

Verizon let it be known that they plan to issue the update to Android 2.2 for the Motorola Droid next week, and if you were feeling doubtful still (who wouldn’t after what happened with Android 2.1) you may want to head over to the VZW Support page for the Droid. The system update how-to has been refreshed to feature firmware build FRG01B, explicitly named as Android 2.2 (Froyo) and boasting such features as Flash 10.1. I’m getting excited just thinking about it, how ’bout you?

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[thanks to Jonathan for pointing this out!]

Kevin Krause
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Motorola Droid to Receive Android 2.2 Update Next Week

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  1. No, already running 2.2 here.

  2. Got a question. I got the latest 2.2 on my rooted Droid but since it is not the office release version, will the official 2.2 have things that my current build does not have?

  3. Yep, I’m excited.

  4. Steve, get a life.

  5. we want froyo for the milestone =(

  6. For those of us who do not root…Yeah, that’s exciting. But then again, I don’t get too excited til it’s on my device.

  7. Well over on Android Police they are saying that HTC has released Froyo for the Evo as a down available NOW. This is hilarious to see them all racing like this and its great for the consumers.

  8. Excellent. It’s nice to see that Froyo is starting to proliferate. Now, just when am I going to see Gingerbread on my Nexus One? Just kidding.

  9. I’m glad its rolling out fasterbthan 2.1

  10. 3d drawer and 5 screens please!

  11. ….god i hope i can keep the root…i only have 1 rom that’ll do it

  12. Rumor (just rumor) has it that Verizon has pulled the Wi-Fi hotspot and the tethering from the update.


    i can take no validity to that.

    Apparently Verizon states that the harware does not support it.

    Thats funny though. Seems that I have been using the Cyanogenmod 6.0 RC2 that has tethering, and installed a hotspot enabler (that requires root of course) and been using them since they were available.

    I must have some super power chip in mine that noone else has in theirs.

    That being said – I rooted and will NOT be installing the update.

  13. @Jeremy

    When you see that read it as they can’t make money off of it if they enable it due to hardware configurations so they will not release it and will say it is a violation of the service agreement to tether

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