
CDMA Nexus One Passes FCC


Lending more credibility to the potential March 23rd launch of Verizon’s Nexus One is the fact that it has recently passed the FCC – or at least a Verizon compatible version has passed.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Tremendously good news for non-hardware-keyboard fans waiting on Big Red to release the current beast of the bots. If it all comes together, you’ve only got a tad more than 3-weeks of waiting.

[Via CellPhoneSignal]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. wooooo first yes i’ve been waiting for this now just gotta choose between the incredible and this

  2. So my Droid speaker is completely messed up, incoming calls, video, music all hiss and crack. This is my fourth Droid since November. Do you think if I deal with the speaker issue for a month and take it in once the Nexus is at Verizon that they would do an exchange of Droid for N1? I would be so much happier not stuck with the crap Droid

  3. Nexus One for Sprint, please.

  4. i just wish T-Mobile would sell the Nexus One themselves and not require you to buy the phone though Google.

  5. @Chris – I’m with you man. Bring the Nexus One to Sprint already!
    Why in the world is Google “selling” the flagship Android device and holding back all of its potential?? We finally hear CDMA, but sadly its on big red. So great device, just expensive plans all around. Can’t wait for them to wise up a bit and match this phone with the greatest data plan around. So far FAIL!!! =(

  6. Yay!!!!! I didn’t think I was gonna make it. I almost bought the Eris.

  7. Dave: I doubt it. My guess is that the Nexus One for Verizon will be available online only, making an exchange impossible. Hope I’m wrong.

  8. I wonder if google will be sticking to their online distribution system given how it went with the TMobile release… You figured they would learn from their mistakes.

  9. Google has a decent idea going with the online sale from their website but realistically not many people are going to buy one without being able to play with one in the store. Go to an Apple store and you there is a whole section dedicated to iphones. Just idiotic to think normal consumers will plunk down hard earned cash for a phone they haven’t held yet.

  10. Verizon is not likely to change your phone for a different model even if the N1 is distributed via VZW. I would say your chances are 0%.

  11. Verizon will let you switch phones after you have exchanged a defective phone more than 3 times. A least that is what Verizon told me.

  12. As a former Verizon Wireless Employee,I can tell you that usually there is a Matrix for matching exchanges. If you have had more then I believe its 3 exchanges in 90 days they will give you a so called “comparable model according to them” If the N1 is not on the matrix you are gonna have to fight for the N1.

  13. Buyers Beware. The existing version is loaded with problems that GOOGLE is ignoring and refuses to fix. Worst customer service I have ever had. The media is also ignoring the problems and refuses to report on them. They are probably afraid of losing the GOOGLE ad revenue. If you have not done so already, check out the GOOGLE help forums.

  14. No problems on 2 N1’s here, next.

  15. Wait, so you are happy that the phone you just bought a few months ago is now going to be eclipsed by another phone on your carrier? Although, given its abysmal sales rate so far, I dont think Droid owners have much to fear. Kick in the nuts for Motorola though.

  16. @envy yes I understand what ya saying…the big V ain’t cheap…but the have the best service then sprint and all so…getting the nexus for he big V is a big thing…yap know?

  17. @Mensahwatts – no doubt that nexus was gonna go to Verizon. It makes sense…and more importantly money. My only gripe is that if your going to make a CDMA version, it should be on both carriers. That would be the less evil thing to do for the mighty Google.

    And honestly the Sprint Android offerings are a bit stale, give us something already! =)

  18. right back @ Envy…BUT what about the moment? dont know much about it-but I have been seeing adds for it lately more then ever…but yeah I agree Nexus should come to sprint…And I am pretty sure it will…after-are even before the bIG V…

  19. For the people asking that Phone X be carried by Carrier Y, talk to the carrier! You don’t seriously think a phone manufacturer holds phones back from carriers, do you? HTC doesn’t wake up one morning and say, “Let’s make a phone for T-Mobile.” They don’t make the phone at all unless T-Mobile already wants the phone. And carriers have a lot of input as to what the final product will be, more than you might imagine.

    If you want the Nexus One (or other Android phones) on Sprint, get on the phone with Sprint. The people who make the phones will be more than happy to provide them.

  20. What really surprises me is how many people posting here are actually surprised by this news. Pretty much since the day it was released we knew it was coming to Verizon. It’s been up on Google.com/phone for how long that the N1 was coming to Verizon in “Spring 2010”? Really, go look it up right now. What the real news here is that we finally have a date affixed to “Coming to Verizon, Spring 2010” to get excited about.

  21. As a follow-up to my earlier post:

    A short time after I got my first Nexus One and began to use it, I discovered some issues with the phone. The phone would not maintain 3G signal, the display would repeatedly go from bright to dark and back under constant lighting conditions no matter where the brightness control was set, and it would not hold a wi-fi signal no matter where the sleep policy was set. I did as requested (although I don’t believe it’s the proper way to handle this type of thing) and contacted HTC. I was told that a replacement phone would be sent to me after talking to a tech. rep. that could not get it to work properly over the phone. A few days later I had not received the replacement so I called HTC again and was told that the phone was never sent out. I was told that it would be sent out that day. I called back later that day to get a tracking number and was given one. When I went to check on the tracking number I found that it didn’t exist. I called HTC back the next day and the again was told the phone was not sent out. To shorten this up, I finally did receive a replacement on 1/21/2010.

    The second Nexus One however was defective as well. It had the same 3G issues and the same wi-fi issues only this one would not reconnect to the wi-fi until I either turned off the wi-fi radio and turned it back on, put it into “airplane mode” and then back out or turned the phone off and then back on. I then called HTC and again arraigned for a replacement. Needless to say it took several phone calls, but I received my third Nexus One on 1/23/2010.

    The third phone still had some 3G/EDGE problems, but it was better and the wi-fi issue was the same as the first one. During this time there was news of an OTA that “might” help with the 3G issue so I held on to it and waited for the OTA. My phone received the OTA on the night of 2/4/10 and I installed it as soon as it was downloaded. There was no improvement in the 3G or the wi-fi. Two days later on 2/6/2010, sometime before 6:30 PM, the phone completely lost all phone and text messaging capabilities. I could not make or receive phone calls, could not send or receive text messages, got no missed call indicators or any voice mail indication. During that time I had missed calls and received two voice mails. I tried to shut the phone off to get the signal back but I couldn’t. It got to the last screen where the background is blurred and it says “Power Off” and under that it says “shutting down” and it has the spinner, and that’s where it stayed. The spinner stopped spinning and the trackball kept flashing until I took the battery out. This happened several more times over the next two days. After checking the loss of signal with my wife’s Blackberry (Also on T-Mobile) right next to it and getting 3 to 4 bars of signal, I decided to call T-Mobile and check with them. All the tests T-Mobile did showed that my account was working fine. When the phone did it yet again, I called HTC on 2/8/2010. They had me do a factory reset and that worked for a few days. On Friday, 2/12/2010, same problem again! I contacted HTC and they started the process to ship out the fourth replacement. That was received on morning of 2/17/2010. Phone number 4 received the OTA as soon as I signed in to my Google account. When I started using the fourth Nexus One I noticed that it had the same wi-fi issue that the other three had and that it was having the issue with the screen going from bright to dark and back just like the first one had. That afternoon I got the disconnection error described above and again the following morning. This led me to call HTC yet again. I asked that the next replacement, Nexus One, phone number 5, have the OTA preinstalled and be tested. I was assured it would be. I received the fifth one on 2/19/2010 in the morning and proceeded to set it up and it did indeed have the OTA preinstalled. It doesn’t go from bright to dark like before, it does have the wi-fi sleep issue and it seems to have less flipping between 3G/EDGE. Most importantly it didn’t loose its phone signal……..until the next day. At a little before noon the problem of losing the signal described above started again. I did some experimenting comparing it to my wife’s Blackberry and then putting the SIM from the Blackberry into the fourth Nexus One to compare it to the now locked-up fifth one. The results can be viewed in the pictures here:


    One picture is of my wife’s Blackberry with 3 bars of voice on the left and my Nexus One #5 on the right with an “X” and no voice signal. The other is of Nexus One #4 with the SIM from my wife’s Blackberry in it showing 4 bars of voice signal on the left and my Nexus One #5 on the right with an “X” and no voice signal. Upon further investigation I discovered that when this happens there is no way to call 911 either. I pulled out and reinstalled the battery and then it worked fine for about another hour before doing the same thing again. On 2/22/2010 I called HTC to inform them that I was having the signal loss problem above and and I emailed them the link to the pictures above. On 2/24/2010 I called back to request another exchange since the phone had locked-up a couple of more times. During that phone call I agreed to get and try a new SIM card from T-Mobile, which was sent out to me that day (there is no T-Mobile store near me). I should receive the SIM card today, but in the meantime the 5th Nexus One has lost signal as described above on the 26th, 27th, and 28th during which time I also discovered that I am unable to call 911 (emergency). I called T-Mobile on the 27th while the phone was experiencing the problem and they said they could see it logged on to the tower nearest my house, but again I could not use it. My wife’s shop is 2.5 blocks from this T-MO tower:


    and I drove right up to it on the 27th while the phone was having the problem and I still had absolutely no voice service at all as I explained above nor could I cal 911 and this tower is the flagpole at the Sand City California Police Station/City Hall! I had to pull the battery out and replace it to get the signal back as usual.

    I have made well over 300 posts on the Google help forums during this time and the response from Google employees has been all but nonexistent.

  22. **MR. BILL- you have chosen to be one of the first, bleeding edge adopters of unsupported, gee-wiz technology. It sounds like you are not in the least technically savvy, but have lots of dough to splash around on stuff you don’t know how to use.

    Next time you want to bash a product, try knowing how to use it first. Try Kleenex, for example. Use it to wipe your tears away after your bad experience with new gizmos.

  23. **Jay – Being and early adopter does not mean that you have to suffer through abnormal functionality to make a phone work. That is a crock and stupid – if I am paying top dollar to have a device it had damn well better work or I should get discounts until it does. It is piss poor business and sad that people like you are brainwashed into thinking that buying new technology means you have to put up with rushed and ill working hardware.

    Get your head out of these companies laps and wake up.

  24. @Jay…does being a rude jackass go along with your post? Tech savvy or not, the CUSTOMER went through FIVE devices in a matter of a few weeks. This isn’t his fault. It has nothing to do with his ability to use or troubleshoot an electronic device. It has everything to do with the fact that he received an inferior product and still hasn’t been able to use it as it’s intended to be used. AS A PHONE. Idiot.

  25. @Jay

    I appreciate your reading and responding to my post. It’s more than GOOGLE has done. Having said that, I realize I need to educate you a bit.

    First of all, the Nexus One is not as you say “unsupported, gee-wiz technology” they have what they consider to be a support system. (I can vouch for it’s existence although not it’s effectiveness)

    Second, I have had and used cell phones of all types going all the way back to the “bag phone” if you are old enough to know what that is. The reason I chose to purchase the Nexus One was simple. I build and repair computers. The operating system I install on my own computers is a Linux based system. Android is a Linux based system so I naturally am drawn to it due to the similarities. I also have used GOOGLE products since before GOOGLE was a verb. When I started using them you “searched GOOGLE” for something, you didn’t “GOOGLE it” and now most of GOOGLE’s services that I use are incorporated into a phone using a Linux based operating system that GOOGLE designed on a phone GOOGLE designed.

    Third, I have been a T-Mobile subscriber for over 3.5 years (after 9 years at AT&T, but let’s not go there) and have had nothing but outstanding service from them. So to me, having all three together was like winning the lottery……………..until received the phone!

    @Matt and TM


  26. I’ve just ordered my N1 and pray that it is problem free as I have been following problems in the “support” forums and am very familiar with mrbill and his troubles. I don’t think posting his story in the comments of this article was absolutely necessary, but I can understand his wanting to get his experience out to those that may not be familiar with such issues that DO exist for N1 users.

    Swinging the topic back to this article: For those hoping the CDMA version will be available via Verizon I would suggest not holding your breath as it would be surprising to me that Google would abandon what they’ve set out to do with selling hardware to where you can choose your carrier. Logically, it would only make sense that when it is available it will simply be that on Google.com/phone you’ll have the option for the CDMA version unlocked to use with Verizon and possibly one choice for a subsidized price with an individual plan, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s not even an option and the only option is unlocked at the $529 + tax. I’m sure if that happens (even with a single plan available for subsidizing) we’ll still have loads of folks complaining about the options as if something changed from what has been indicated from Google for the N1.

    I think the future phones that will also be available straight from Google will likely ONLY be available from Google as well. There is an upside to this as it will help customers move away from contract plans giving them more freedom with their plans and carriers to choose from.

  27. @jer


    Also I do agree with you that Verizon may go the one-price-fits-all route to avoid the the unhappy people that would be left out of qualifying for a discounted phone. I’m would think that T-MO is starting to wish they had not jumped into the discount pool.

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