
2 New Nexus One Pictures


The Young Male Smart Person Publication (BGR) has gotten ahold of 2 new Google Nexus One images the first of which is an ultra-clear picture of the phone’s face while the second puts it side-by-side next to the G1 for a thickness comparison:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal



That thickness picture is pretty impressive. It looks like its thinner than HALF of the G1 which would be pretty amazing. We’ve heard it is light and with a phone this thin we can see why.

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Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. What is the screen size compared to the g1?

  2. Yeah! what is the screen size?

  3. Hello new GPS! BTW, can someone tell me how well Google Maps Navigation runs when on the EDGE network? I’m considering getting a Nexus One as a GPS and just swapping my AT&T SIM card, but I don’t how how fast Internet needs to be to stream Google Maps. Thanks!

  4. Looks like what a lot of people have been asking for. A Droid without the physical keyboard and a rounder design. The one round thing that surprised me is the scroll ball.

    I just hope that the OS on all Android phones are updated to 2.1 (or whatever the Nexus One will be running) when it’s released so we can attract more app developers and app ad revenue for the Android platform.

  5. I know i am going to be disappointed in this phone because it will probably come with 256 MB of user memory or less like every other Android phone.

  6. i hope it is, or equal too but it doesn’t look thiner than the iPhone. i read on a post that someone holding it said it is thiner.

    anyway cant wait to pick on up.

  7. navigation keeps up fine, it may be a little jerky with sat view on but normal map view is just fine on edge.

  8. When you look at the images above and of the Nexus One ROM dump on XDA Developers the phones have the same background except the leaves are in different positions. Part of that dynamic new background maybe? Falling leaves that interact with the phone’s environment?

  9. @Jeff

    I had to switch to Edge this weekend in San Fran as the 3G network wasn’t really working. Gmaps worked great for me on my trusty old Tilt.

  10. So why can’t someone measure the screen and give it to us. Or if not telling us to just put a ruler over the phone and take a picture so we can see the screen. That would be sweet.

  11. @Josh
    it is believed to be slightly bigger than iphone’s screen, i expect it to be 3.6″

  12. Screen size is 3.7 inches.

  13. Other than a faster chip, what is the benefit of this phone? Are there battery life or camera improvements?

  14. i read somewhere that the screen size was only going to be 3.5, not 3.7. and i’m a little confused; people have been calling this the passion, and earlier people were saying that the passion and the bravo were one and the same, but the face buttons aren’t at all similar, and neither is the speaker at the top. so what is what, because i seriously want the bravo, and i don’t want to pick this phone up thinking it’s the bravo and then have the bravo come out a few weeks later.

  15. drool.

  16. Yo david’s rite. btw the screen is 3.7 and the bravodoesnt even compare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. ITS A 3.7″ SCREEN


  19. The Bravo is a different phone entirely. It was mistakenly called the Passion by confused tipsters. also, don’t expect the Bravo until much later in the year.

  20. whoever says this is the same as bravo is wrong. To me the bravo is gonna be cooler if HTC gives it the HTC Sense UI

  21. No hardware keyboard. End of discussion. Android was BASICALLY born on that concept. Sure the OS is nice, but the fact that a smartphone came out on a network other then AT&T and with a hardware keyboard is half the reason people have one. I’d rather own an all touchscreen iPhone then any other all touchscreen phone. The hardware keyboard is the staple of android phones in comparison to the iPhone. Stop replicating.

  22. Droid does. :)
    Yeah, if you don’t have a keyboard then you are fighting on the iPhone’s turf. It’s like making a PC with a one button or ‘magic’ mouse. People who are into that will just get a real Mac.
    Have something that you know Apple will never do because it is against their stylistic vision to have a keyboard on their phone.

  23. @John
    That was a bit ago when people hadn’t seen the confirmed images for the Nexus and all the geeks had to go on was the HTC 2010 Road Map. Now that there are images of BOTH phones, I would hope no one continues to be confused like that.

    Also, that WebOS-like and the active background isn’t sexy to you??

  24. @Rob: So if an android phone doesn’t have a real keyboard it’s basically copying the iPhone? Just because it doesn’t have a real keyboard doesn’t mean it won’t be better then the iPhone or a copy of it. If you gotta have a real keyboard that badly then stick with a Droid.

  25. Can’t wait for this!
    Hope the screen is larger than the droid :)

  26. Rob is just another Apple fan boy who cannot handle competition.

  27. I prefer the phones withOut physical keyboards. I havent handled a keyboard phone yet that doesnt feel like a clunky brick. They have to make a lot of design compromises to squeeze in a physical keyboard that barely more functional than a virtual one. I know some folk love them, but I prefer without.

  28. No HTC sense? now THAT’S promising! :)

  29. I can do with are without a keyboard…but being able to switch between keyboards does add life to a phone…I must say a. But for now…I see a bright future for Droid…it will only get better each new one…so for me…I think I gots to sayyyyy Droid does! Droiddddd!

  30. Looks a lot like a Droid ERIS also made by HTC.

  31. I’d rather want to see its thickness compared to a keyboard-less device…

  32. for one thing, games that are developed with the keyboard in mind (lots of buttons for controls) simply won’t work on a keyboardless phone.

  33. Until Google significantly upgrades their stock keyboard on Android, I can see this phone being very frustrating for many users. Eris is a different story since it uses the Sense UI virtual keyboard which is awesome. At least the folks behind Better Keyboard will be banking on this opportunity in the meantime.

  34. Does anyone know if normal calls can be made with this device? I read from somewhere that this device would work “normally” on T-mobile which would suggest normal 2g and 3g calls and not only over voip?

    I mean very few people are going to be using only via voip phones and that would make this device more than useless for the next year or two unless one could make normal calls also with it??

  35. DO WANT!
    DO NEED!

  36. My Droid got a little jealous there for a second…but then I remembered that Android google based apps don’t recognize multi touch so (for things that require multitouch or a keyboard), so it has nothing to worry about.

  37. I am waiting for the Motorola sholes tablet with Xenon flash (hopefully) & Android 2.1.

  38. I don’t understand why the author of this article is raving about how thin this phone is compared to the G1. If you look at the photo, you can see that the only added thickness of the G1 is the keyboard. Remove the keyboard and wala!!! Thin phone!!!

  39. Screen looks so AMOLED :)

  40. Why does this phnone needs a trackball ??? Who wants that ? it’s so blackberry style … i want a fast touchscreen phone and not this stoneage control !!!

  41. yup, you got it. That screen is going to sell this phone

  42. Guys u gotta get outta the stone age. The g1 is old as hell. U think its a good phone and everytime a new phone comes out y’all are always like my g1 is better. Its not. G1 is sluggish big and a hassle to type on. And this phone isn’t gonna b the same as every android phone with 256 ram. Its confirmed to have 320 look it up.

  43. @trackball hater

    why hate on it? why cant it have both? stone age? have you used one? how mentally deficient are you? these are the kinds of questions that I’M asking. navigating links in a mobile browser with one is vastly Superior given the circumstances that I’ve seen.

  44. All Nexus One Pictures that are out now, you can see on: http://www.android-hilfe.de/nexus-one/12238-fotos-videos-vom-nexus-one.html

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