
Layar 3.0 Now Available, Pretty Darn Cool


A few weeks ago we told you that Layar was working on a 3D update that they hoped would take their Augmented Reality experience to new heights. Well… Layar 3.0 has launched on Android Market and as far as I can tell it is very cool but not yet all that practical/useful.

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The company wrote a blog post explaining the power of Layar 3.0 and provided five real-world examples of how it can be used (in a fake world):

Architectural Showcase
A building in Rotterdam will be completed in 2014 but you can already visit the site and take a tour of the building using Layar’s new AR browser.

Want to take a guided tour? Exploring the streets of London you may be guided from spot to spot with 3D images overlayed in Layar to help you get the full effect of your surroundings. For example, passing Abbey Road you might see this:

They also suggest Layar would be great for showing surroundings as if you were there at a different period in time. Or how about art/messages/fun objects in random layers like an alien spaceship hovering over the city or airplanes/blimps flying by:


They also mention B2B applications and uses.

The above seems VERY cool. Personally I really like the potential that guided tours could have in Layar. But one thing I consider a problem with Layar is the word “potential”. It has a TON of potential but unless developers make Layers for it and unless users are using it there is not enough substance for growth. With more developers come more features and more users. But you need users to attract developers in the first place. I guess I would call it the critical mass paradox. Sometimes it’s hard to determine why something did or didn’t catch on.

In this case I’m rooting for Layar and I hope it catches on but I probably won’t personally use it. And actually, for the time being, I CAN’T use it because it’s only available for devices with Android 1.5 and 1.6:

Layar v3.0 can now be downloaded free of charge from the Android Market and is available for all Android 1.5 and 1.6 devices. We will release a compatible version for the Droid as soon as possible. We have almost finished testing for Android 2.0. A version for the iPhone 3GS is to follow after Apples approval.

Note that an iPhone version is coming after Apple’s approval, but you can already use Layar to experience what the iPhone version will be like when Apple accepts the application in 2017. Use the Layer called “Horse Crap”.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Very disappointing that Layer 3.0 is not available for the Droid….the premier Android Device with the latest options and that glorious screen and no support…Layer was previously available for pre- 2.0 devices…..what gives???

  2. In case someone wants to have a really useful location based app, he should give Aloqa a try.

  3. @wademac my guess is that they are waiting until next week to test it for themselves on the Motorola Milestone. I’ve been beta testing an app from a European developer on my Droid, it’s been a pain. He’s waiting until he gets a Milestone next week then he’ll send me another beta.

    If the rumors are correct we (Droid owners) will be ungraded to Android 2.1 in a little over a week…I hope it doesn’t screw any releases.

  4. Got this on the 29th,

    “Hi Barry,

    How are you doing? The new version will be launched next week for the droid.

    Kind regards,


    So I’m hoping by Friday we’ll have it on our Droids.

  5. Farch & Barry…

    Hope you guys are right…I was afraid we were looking at sometime Spring 2010…..cheers!

  6. Its great on my Sprint Hero!

  7. I have a Droid, and just downloaded this from the Market today!

  8. Sweet!! It’s out!!!

  9. Sorry for the delay everybody. During final testing on the Droid we encountered some serious issues, causing us to put the support for Droid on hold.

    It was difficult for us to debug, as we do not have the Droid yet in Europe, but we managed to get it working correctly and as of today, we are live on the Droid.

  10. I have yet to find a use for Aloqa, but Places Directory has pretty good info when I have used it.

  11. I installed Layar on my Motorola Droid. It is asking me to “Log In” or “Create Acc’t”, I tried to create account, but I keep getting an error message. What’s Up?

  12. Layar used to be working but now it isn’t working for some reason. I get big grey circles instead of icons. The latest version messed something up.

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