
Verizon Having Motorola Droid Event October 28th


You know that countdown timer that zeroes out on October 28th that initially was set for an October 30th happening? I doubt they’ll be changing it again: Verizon has just sent out an invitation to members of the media to an October 28th private event that occurs “By Appointment Only” from 11:30am to 4:30am.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Common sense would suggest an announcement/press release on the morning of October 28th with media getting their hands-on with the device that afternoon. I doubt that will mean the rumors, leaks and other random info will cease since the Android world has been gushing Droid for the past week with no signs of slowing.

Put it on your calendar people – we’ll have all the information for you here.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Please tell me that I can have my hands on a Droid on November 6th!!!! The anticipation is now killing me and if it wasn’t for the Phillies in the playoffs I’d be only thinking about DROID.

  2. The phone is supposed to launch on November 6th.

    Internal buzz says no later than November. So..you’ll have it in your hands before Thanksgiving, that’s a certain.

    Relax, and enjoy watching your Phillies repeat when they run all over the (cheating, $1 Billion payroll, sickening mess that is the Yankees). Unless of course the Angels can fell those pigs! Go Angels! if not, Go Phillies!

  3. What ever happened to the HTC Hero coming out with this thing? Will that release get swept under the rug, or is it off? Just curious

  4. Haha, again I can’t wait for the DROID. I would love to see a Phillies/Yankees world series though. Of course I would love to see the Phillies kick the Yankees butts too!!

  5. Wait, where! I don’t care about the exact location, just the time zone! I live in CA so should I expect an announcement by 9pm or at midnight? Or even later (Hawaii or Alaska)?

  6. Not that it makes that much of a difference, but I’m assuming that time is Eastern? I’m on the west coast and need the DROID detail goodness as soon as it happens.

  7. 11:30am to 4:30 AM?!? That’s one helluva party :)

  8. Phillies fans love Iphones. NY is all about the DROID! case in point: http://images.smarter.com/blogs/philliephanatic.jpg

  9. What is this Rob?

  10. Can’t wait to get my hands on a Droid! And what’s up with all the Yankees haters? You guys should really appreciate a good team when you see it. Go Yankees! 4-1 over the Phillies.

  11. go mets!

  12. That would be 4.30PM then. Keep us posted Rob.

  13. @john: Same question here, I coulda swore the Verizon/Google partnership announcement showed off an HTC Hero. Where’d it go? Did the Droid eat it?

  14. Phillies going to the fall classic BABY!!!!!!!! I’m ALMOST as excited about this as I am about getting my hands on my pocket super genius robot buddy!

  15. I’d be really excited if I didn’t live in the Netherlands.

  16. Any word on when Canada can get it’s hands on the Droid??

  17. No Droid love for Canada. It was free health care or Droid and you guys got to pick first.

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