
Android Set Top Box In Japan


Android is bound to show up on a multitude of different device types but for now, even Netbooks seem like a bit of a stretch with only 1 real Android Phone after 6 months of Android OS. But Netbooks might not be the next stage for life with Android – Motorola is busy building a set-top box for the Japanese company KDDI that would run Android!

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au_boxFirst of all, please limit your excitement geographically speaking as this will likely only launch in Japan. Second, please limit your timeframe excitement as it is rumored to get its first sneak peak in October at CEATEC. But with that in mind, it is cool to see Motorola is working on an innovative Android solution that is like nothing else we’ve seen up to now.

Some basic capabilities of the au Box are playing CDs and music directly through the set-top box through integrated speakers, ripping CDs and transferring this data to a mobile handset or portable media player via USB, and even use of DVDs and video recording for display on external monitors or transferring to a portable player. How practical is all this? Who knows… but if EETimes is right, we’ll find out October 6th to 10th at CEATEC.

Oh yeah… and JVC might be making an Android TV. How does that bombshell taste?

[EETimes via CNET, AndroidGuys, Gizmodo]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I’d love an android device that would let me dump content from my DirecTivo onto, say, my phone, so I can watch it on my commute to/from work.

    Hope this, or something like it, comes to the US soon.

  2. I want Android with LT Commander rank and for it to wish to become human, that has an evil brother named Lore and a cat named Spot.

    So I’m obviously disappointed by this set-top box.

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