
Visual Voice Mail Hits Android (Soon)


In the last few months, Visual Voice Mail has swept across nearly all carriers as an extra feature to improve your mobile experience. Why it took so long for this simple and intuitive solution to come to fruition is a huge question mark, but all that really matter is that your T-Mobile G1 will soon have Visual Voice Mail thanks to PhoneFusion.

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Louis Lebin – CEO of PhoneFusion – had this to say about the upcoming application:

“Our Fusion Voicemail Plus application is tremendously popular with our existing customers who wanted iPhone-type functionality on their favorite devices… With the launch of T-Mobile’s G1, the first Android-powered smartphone, people have been looking for an innovative visual voicemail app that runs on this breakthrough device. We believe Fusion Voicemail Plus fills this gap, giving the Android community a better way to stay connected when it matters most. We expect this application will quickly become one of the favorites on Android Market.”

According to the article, this application is FREE although its a feature that current mobile phone customers have deemed worthy of investment: Verizon Wireless charges $1.99 for their VVM service. It should be available on the Android market by the end of 2008… we’ll see if it remains free once Paid Applications hit the market in 2009.

[Via IntoMobile, NewsBlaze]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I wonder how many apps will become paid apps once the option is available. These businesses can’t all exist to make free apps.

  2. You can have it right now with youmail.com and if you have myfaves is pretty much free

  3. I am a strong supporter of YouMail! YouMail rocks! I think I will write a VVM YouMail client for Android when I get some spare time.

  4. I use GrandCentral (owned by Google) for voicemail only, and they have a mobile site that offers a concise listing of voicemail, with links to MP3s of my voicemails, so it’s easy to listen on demand. Works great with my G1

    I accomplish the voicemail-only stuff by having my carrier (T-Mobile) forward voicemail transfers to my GrandCentral number instead of the default T-Mobile number. Then I have GC set to forward all calls straight to voicemail. This way I have a great voicemail system, and I have a future-proof solution in case Google integrates GrandCentral in to Android.

    I can write a tutorial if anyone’s interested. Just send me an email: m o c h e e z e -at- g m a i l -dot- c o m

  5. (Dave Kaufman – Techlife on November 12th, 2008 at 10:49 pm:
    I wonder how many apps will become paid apps once the option is available. These businesses can’t all exist to make free apps.)

    In response to your post: You are on a free site for android yet every time I am on this web site I see adds for blackberry’s and verizon etc…. Same with the sites of the people developing the software money is in the advertising…..

  6. and now http://www.hullomail.com has their app available in the US im going to be going with them….
    nicer UI and i get them in MY email not anyone elses….

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