
Android Marketplace vs. iPhone App Store


UPDATE: Android Marketplace Officially Announced… DETAILS HERE.

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While manufacturers continue the mobile arms race, packing more megapixels in every camera phone and pushing the spec sheet to new extremes, the main battle will soon be fought on a new field… where applications are the warriors.

When Android was announced in late 2007, the industry buzzed with what an Open Source mobile OS could mean to consumers. Freely downloaded 3rd party applications could totally change the mobile world. Little did most consumers know that downloadable 3rd party applications were readily available for Windows Mobile, RIM’s Blackberries and other devices. But it wasn’t optimal, it wasn’t ideal, it wasn’t easy, it wasn’t enjoyable… it pretty much wasn’t anything that the mass audience was eager to adopt.

The Android announcement acted as a sort of catalyst, propelling the talk of the industry towards 3rd party applications and all the new and great things you would soon be able to do with your mobile phone. Apple seized the moment by launching an application kit for developers and later an Application Store specifically for the iPhone. In a sense, they stole Android’s thunder.

At first, Android’s “edge” was the opportunity to download 3rd party applications. Apple can now check that off their iPhone list. Then Android enthusiasts (us included) stated that the iPhone was just one niche phone without the critical mass to make universal applications. But then Apple released its iPhone 3G with affordability in mind… across the entire globe…. CHECK!

So what is left? Why does Android and the rumored “Android Marketplace” still have an edge on the iPhone and their application store? We could go on and on about the differences but instead, we’d like to point out a single difference with some recent developments that should illustrate Apple’s downside and Android’s potential.

The key here is that Android is striving for OPEN. The goal of OPEN being that YOU control what applications are on your phone. And “choosing” is now more enjoyable because with openness comes variety, competition, better prices, etc…

Apple keeps extremely tight reins on what can and cannot be placed onto your phone by means of the App Store. Application developers have to send their apps jumping through hoops to be granted the opportunity to sell their software on the app store. And while “security” would seem like one of the main reasons it certainly isn’t the only reason.

Want to play Tetris on your phone? How about Scrabble? Or maybe you want to read a cool comicbook style comic on your mobile? Easy enough… you can do that all on your iPhone!

NOT. SIKE. JUST KIDDING. Apple recently removed its “Tetris Clone” from the Application Store. Sounds like how Facebook removed Scrabulous app from Facebook, does it not? And oh yeah, Apple also removed a violent COMIC from the iPhone App Store because it – get this – “does not satisfy their community standards”.

Keep up the great work, Apple! You’re definitely on the right track with complete censorship and iron fist rule. While you’re at it why not remove all songs from iTunes that reference synonyms to the words, “poop” or “doody” (read: crap or shit) and leave something called freedom of speech, freedom of choice and all that good stuff to the big boys with Android.

Gizmodo featured a fantastic article about all the shortcomings of the iPhone App Store, yearning for an iPhone App Black market. Among the shortcomings they list of the existing iPhone application system:

  • iTunes/iPod functionality can’t be altered/used by 3rd party apps
  • Apps are only something you run your iPhone OS and the basic packaging and phone use can’t be altered by developers much… if at all
  • Pirated/Copied games/movies/etc are a no go
  • Too much hidden by the SDK. Developers simply don’t have access to the ins and outs at the deepest possible level, limiting what can be done.
  • The App Review process is a complete train wreck and total mystery
  • Apple wants to profit… so Apps that divert profits to a 3rd party developer or software aren’t likely to come about… they are stifled by the SDK

So will Android’s “Marketplace” fulfill the promise of 3rd party mobile applications or be riddled with the same types of shortcomings that have the iPhone App Store leaving us so unfulfilled? That remains to be seen… its not likely that the carriers will simply remove their stranglehold on the application market they’ve cornered… but they’ll loosen their grip significantly.

Its all but officially confirmed that T-Mobile will launch the HTC Dream (T-Mobile G1) as the first ever Android enabled phone. Its also been rumored that they’ve been prepping an iPhone like App Store that would allow for downloadable applications across every phone in their offering.

Google has claimed that Android would allow for carrier customization but it would be a complete shame if those with the HTC Dream were forced to find and download apps through a T-Mobile regulated system that isn’t likely to be better than the iPhone App Store.

There are two key differences here.

First of all, the iPhone is a single device and T-Mobile is an entire carrier. Regardless of your phone’s form factor and whether it runs WIndows Mobile, some bloated T-Mobile OS anything else, you can utilize T-Mobile’s application store. This would be a HUGE step forward for American carriers independent of Android and Apple.

Second of all, just because Android would be “included” in the T-Mobile store doesn’t mean they’ll be exclusive to the T-Mobile store. Couldn’t they appear in a “T-Mobile marketplace” AND an “Android Marketplace” that is all inclusive of the platform and non-carrier specific?

In many people’s minds, Google has already flubbed up Android with 2 unfortunate MIA APIs in the SDK. Wow, that sounded incredibly geeky. In any case, the Bluetooth and GoogleTalk SDK’s were missing in the .9 SDK release of Android… the version that will ship with the first devices.

The uninformed consumers following Android initially flipped out, “No Bluetooth? No Instant Messaging? ZOMG EPIC FAIL!” They misunderstood. The HTC Dream and the other Android devices WILL support Bluetooth and GoogleTalk Messaging… they just won’t provide developers with API access so they can utilize them in their own 3rd party applications.

If you ask me this is a good thing for both consumers AND Android. The reason these APIs were left out were the possibilities of security flaws being exposed. As we recently saw with the iPhone’s security flaw, that revealed personal information, even the most minor issue can create a huge consumer backlash. In the case of the established iPhone product its not that big of a deal and it was a minor issue anyway. But for an unproven product facing unlimited scrutiny, a blow to the security of the OS could prove fatal. Better for ALL of us that they get it right before they include it.

On top of that, there is a REASON that manufacturers of anything don’t give you the farm on the first go around. Sometimes they don’t include things THIS time around so they can WOW you (and upsell you) on the second time around. Inclusion of the Bluetooth and GTalk API in the next iteration of the Android SDK is sure to make Android Dev Challenge #2 a huge hit and return focus on new applications that utilize these all new features. The same way that the iPhone didn’t have cut/paste, GPS, video capture and only a 2.0 megapixel camera… these are all things they can improve upon… and then promote heavily.

So the question remains, where will the Android Marketplace fall on the scale of openness? Will it allow for anything and everything, relying on an extremely well written SDK and a savvy consumers to prevent security flaws and keep an eye on what apps are good/bad?

Or will it follow the iPhone App Store path or be influenced by carriers like T-Mobile and default to their preferences which, obviously, include alterior motives that don’t coincide completely with consumer choice and empowerment?

Google and the OHA need to take a good hard look at their initial Android announcement and understand why it was such a big deal to begin with. They need to understand the shortcomings of the iPhone App Store and that anything LESS than what they provide, crippled by the carrier, will be unacceptable. We can all hope for the best but thats just it… right now we’re just hoping.

The success of Android doesn’t rely at all on how well the first hardware (HTC Dream) performs, sells, works or anything else. Its all about the apps and if Android’s marketplace doesn’t outperform the App Store (at least conceptually) from the getgo, the OS could be dead in the water.

Don’t mess this up, Google. Yeah, we know its not just you… the entire OHA has a lot to do with it. But still… please don’t mess this up.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

A Palm Android Phone in 2009?

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  1. “Google and the OHA need to take a good hard look at their initial Android announcement and understand why it was such a big deal to begin with. They need to understand the shortcomings of the iPhone App Store and that anything LESS than what they provide, crippled by the carrier, will be unacceptable. We can all hope for the best but thats just it… right now we’re just hoping.”


  2. The glitches are minor at best. The ability to upload images on the move is great. The 2.0 update has definitively changed the usability of the phone. Try reading this free report. It provides all the info
    you need.


  3. This is a very thoughtful and insightful post. Android’s support of the open model, allowing developers freedom to post whatever app they want, with minimal restrictions, is a great example. We’d like to humbly mention that at GetJar (www.getjar.com) we’ve been doing this for four years, with Java, Symbian, BlackBerry, Palm, Windows Mobile, and Flash Lite apps. Developers can upload whatever they like, and we’ve go 10,000 apps up there today, and 13 million downloads/month. We’ll launch an Android section on GetJar next month, which will continue to push the model further open. So, stay tuned, Android fans!

    Bottom line: Google deserves a big pat on the back for being visionary, and opening this business up to third party distribution. Google could have restricted the distribution of Android apps to their own Market, as Apple has done, and Google would probably have had the financial power to make this work fairly well. But they will benefit much more by letting go of the reins, and they see this.

    Go Google!

  4. I donno… its awesome that google has come up with android and that android is big… my opinion, though i dont want to judge yet, is that hopefully android will boost linux, being open source and all…
    those are just hopes… up untill i see the android phone in the store window or in my hand, android is a fairy tale to me, too good to be true, just like linux, its nice but it doesnt hold the majority of users in the world…

  5. I echo Bill’s GetJar sentiments.

    The reason that the Apple IApp store is such a big deal is that there is no other way to get apps down to the iPhone.

    Android should have no such restrictions, anybody should be able to sell or provide free apps to Android users, just like they do today with Symbian or Java apps. Hundreds of app stores exist for Java and Symbian apps – they are a relatively open platform. Bango powers quite a few of them – to enable carrier billing or credit card billing on mobile phone.

    Imagine if the only way you could buy Windows software was through the Microsoft Windows Marketplace (owned by Microsoft). That would be ridiculous.

    Good luck to GetJar opening their Android store. It will be great when Apple opens up the iPhone to allow pepeople to sell apps, music, videos etc. to their currently “walled in” users.

  6. So this is the first time it has been said: Android applications WILL be free?

    It have assumed this and said ‘probably’ and ‘maybe’ but never have I seen nor read anything definitive. Although it does make sense that an OpenSource OperatingSystem would contain free applications.

    But if you look at it, they aren’t free!
    They ARE free to download and use by us, soon-to-be Android Users :)
    But they were handsomely compensated with their prizes and awards for superior programming in the recent Android Developer Challenge (http://code.google.com/android/adc_gallery/).

    There are some truly amazing times ahead of us!

  7. I don’t know what this article means by that Apple recently removed its “Tetris Clone” as there are about twenty on the App Store. I’ve had one on my phone for a good five weeks. Apple has only made maybe ten apps for their own appstore.

    I’m quite a fan of Android, but it doesn’t make sense to call them censors when you don’t have the facts about what they may be censoring right.

  8. Aro – read this:

    1 billion times less likely to happen in an Open Source environment

  9. Questions and speculations are all good and well about how the Android Marketplace is going to work, so you might as well look yourself.


    Its the t-Mobile site that they have set up for developers to start getting in on the action. No better place to look then in the horses mouth.

  10. Android vs Iphone Much remains unknown people gmail accounts, and many people who still do not know the Android Operating SITEMA 2.0 and many phones with endless applications to extienda.Aplicaciones very useful and free like Google Maps and the future skype Navigation Google Talk with videoconferencing and free.
    Google expects to have at least 18 phones with the Android operating system by the end of 2009, this certainly translates into thousands or even millions of prospective users of Android, maybe even cell phones are 20 by Andy Rubin said in The Times and these will be 8 or 9 developed by manufacturers of mobile diferentess the most important, Motorola, LG, Samsung, HTC, Philips, Sony, even major computer manufacturers like Dell, Acer, Lenovo, Huawei, Haier, and the last is Spanish with GeeksPhone android.
    Along with a free OS to android platform which any developer can access, modify, correct and perfect, makes the future of Android is the most promising of all SO far exceeding the Iphone.
    We do not have our hands on the new Android operating system version 2.0 which had settled in 2010 and already being bandied around left to catch the eye where you are working with a new version of Android 2.1. to be completed by February and that will correct the bugs, this is how you work a good OS is linux = therefore free, easy to program, and what is being updated even incorporating multiple devices, portable music players, book readers digital pictures etc … So the fear of iPhone vs Android, has reasons to tremble and have lost this war unless it changes its strategy

  11. It all depends on how well the android application store is marketed. The appstore is what sets the iphone apart from the other smart phones, but it took around a year before this was a marketable selling point. Now that it has a catalogue of high quality applications, the app store can be marketed in such a way that it interests consumers. You can’t market the android app store as being ‘open’, or being ‘cross platform’ as this won’t interest the majority of consumers. For example, the games available are extremely poor quality, and games are a big selling point of the app store for the casual consumer. They need to get some marketable applications up if they are going to complete.

  12. Who cares if a scrabble or tetris clone were removed from the app store when the REAL tetris and scrabble are actually on there.

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