G1 at Wal-Mart Delayed Until Nov. 3rd
It was quite a surprise when Wal-Mart announced they would begin selling the T-Mobile G1 for 15% less than T-Mobile themselves. Early adopters ...
Droid & Olufsen… Why Not?
Recent news that luxury tech manufacturer Bang & Olufsen will halt production of cell phones and other products not in their focus area ...
G1 Succesfully Unlocked… For A Price
Our newest buddies over at Unlock T-Mobile G1 have brought us all some unlockin’ goodness after merely a week since the G1’s launch. Earlier, ...
Asus preparing to deal the Android card in 1H 2009
The Android vision took its next step to success with Asus announcing their intentions of releasing an Android based handset in the first half ...
Android Developers Interviewed, Showcased
It appears the Android Developers Blog has a new feature where developers will discuss a bit about themselves, talk about their experience in ...
Rumor: OpenMoko Android Phone In November?
Remember OpenMoko? They’re the folks who promised, way back when Android was just a concept, that they WOULD indeed release an Android Phone. ...
Confirmed: G1 at Wal-Mart on Wednesday ($148.88)
CNN Money has now confirmed the rumors that Wal-Mart will begin selling the T-Mobile G1 at pretty hefty discount and sooner than first ...
Android Phone, Mobile Casino Or SCAM?
Hop-on, a company typically known for their low end handset offerings, has announced that they will showcase its new Android enabled device at ...
Palm Steps Up With LiMo Compatible OS
Where in the world has Palm been these days? Oh yeah, busy releasing the Palm Treo Pro that virtually nobody seems to care ...
Android Source Code Released
So Android is an Open Source project, right? The average consumer might not even know what that means – or even care – ...
T-Mobile G1: Unboxing Pictures
Well we got the T-Mobile G1 about a week ago and not only was keeping it a secret incredibly difficult, but we probably ...
BestBuy To Carry T-Mobile G1
According to screenshots of BestBuy’s Inventory system, the big box retailer will begin selling the T-Mobile G1 on October 26th, 2008. This is ...
HTC Dream: Sized Up
Realizing their HTC Dream FCC submission uncovered a peep hole to the highly speculated HTC Dream and first ever Android Phone, the company ...
Android & Symbian Will Merge… SIKE
Analysts from J. Gold Associates pulled a Ms. Cleo, pretending they could predict the future. Like Ms. Cleo (back in the day), you ...
Google I/O Begins… Now
Google I/O is Google’s largest event for Developer’s and it begins today (May 28-29, 2008). Described by Google as “Two days of in-depth, ...