When it comes to the world of news, there is a lot of stuff going on in the world. This makes it difficult to focus on the news that you care about, but there are apps that can help you with that.

The apps below help you create a way to personalize the news that you care about, without worrying about a lot of extra, unnecessary, fluff getting in.


Similar to an RSS Reader, Pocket will allow you to save content from anywhere on the web so you can “Read it later” as the feature is called. But Pocket offers much more, bringing users a personalized list of recommended reading based on their activity, and offering a way to follow other users of the app. These features are weaved into an experience that is not only about consuming content you find on your own, but also about helping you Discover new content you would never have known existed.


  • Price: Free
  • In-app purchases: Yes
  • Rating: 4.5/5
  • Installs: 10M – 50M


Instapaper falls right in line with Pocket, although it’s not as feature packed or rich as Pocket is. Instead, this app is a barebones way to save your favorite articles for later, along with featuring some choice options that you may be interested in. There is also some customizability found within, helping you tailor your news to your preferences.

DOWNLOAD: Instapaper

  • Price: Free
  • In-app purchases: Yes
  • Rating: 4.1/5
  • Installs: 100K – 500K


Nuzzel is quite different, and truly helps you get rid of things that you don’t care about since it pulls its feed from Twitter. What makes Nuzzel unique is the fact that it pulls its feed from those that you follow on Twitter, with the most shared or interacted stories being posted at the top. There is also a Discover tab which allows you to expand your horizons without needing to “subscribe” to anything.


  • Price: Free
  • In-app purchases: Yes
  • Rating: 4.4/5
  • Installs: 100K – 500K


Flipboard could fall into either this “personalized” category, or an RSS reader. However, the difference with Flipboard from something like Feedly is the fact that you pick a general category for your feed. Then your feed will display various stories within your selected categories, making life easier to check out information from multiple sources, all grouped together.

DOWNLOAD: Flipboard

  • Price: Free
  • In-app purchases: No
  • Rating: 4.4/5
  • Installs: 500M – 1B


This is a bit of self-promotion, but it’s for good reason. EarlyBird News for Android takes from all of your favorite Android sources and compiles them into one application. However, you can fine-tune your notifications by selecting your favorite topics to see specific news about. Then, you can check out the “Trending” tab to see what else is going on in the world of Android.

DOWNLOAD: EarlyBird News for Android

  • Price: Free
  • In-app purchases: No
  • Rating: 4.5/5
  • Installs: 10K – 50K

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