
Motorola Reminds You – DROID Bionic Still Slated For Summer Release


In case you were beginning to lose faith that you would ever see a DROID Bionic anytime this year, Motorola is still reminding people via their Twitter, that the Droid Bionic is in fact coming. And pending a few updates, it’s still on track for a Summer release.

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Like your crush that strings you along with text messages out of the blue, “Hey! I miss you!” and you never hear back from again, some potential Bionic buyers’ eyes may start wandering this summer. Especially with the release of superphones struttin’ around with their dual-cores for all to see. We won’t wait around forever. You hear that, Cindy! Er – Motorola.

[Via TalkAndroid]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. They say this anytime anyone asks. I asked over a month ago and they said the exact same thing

    1. Just like Cindy… always says we’ll hang out but it never happens =/

      1. Nothing more fun then some good ol’ heartbreak.

    2. If you asked someone a month ago when Christmas was, and did it again today, the answer would still be the same.  What’s your point?

      1. Nothing clearly you have no idea what you are talking about seeing how christmas is the same date every year great one jackass lol. Let me tell you the point is they say the same thing to everyone summer is a 4 month span not one day like christmas. Smh

        1. Language, please!  By that I mean, please use something resembling language.  Spelling and punctuation are your friends.  So is math.  Twelve months in a year, divided by four seasons means summer is, let me see, carry the two… three months long, not four.  The good news is that means your window of waiting just got 25% smaller!

          They said a summer release a month ago.  They said a summer release yesterday.  That’s called consistency.  They’re not going to give out a exact release date far in advance because, well, they’re not stupid.  They know all kinds of things can cause a delay.  Maybe a small delay, maybe a big one.  They don’t give precise release dates until the product is ready to ship.

          1. Actually check when summer officially ends then try and talk to me you clown.

          2. You do realize june 21-sept 23 is 3 months? Ha great math on your part. Please before you try and belittle me atleast know what you are talking about first. hahahahahahah

  2. Ahh come on chavez don’t be throwin thst shit in my face too… damn man!!!

    1. yo yo yo homie.

  3. Ooo! I sense a new tag line coming on for them:

    Motorola – When we’re not making excuses, we make phones too!

    Yeah, sorry, I had to after all of those posts.

  4. If the Samsung Galaxy S II releases in the U.S. anytime soon, I won’t even think about Motorola for the next 2 years …  BUT, if the Bionic came out tomorrow with all those cool accessories (and if I can deal with whatever the graphics brouhaha is about), I might be a Bionic man !

  5. this is the classic story of the pretty girl flirting with you just because she can.  …problem is you only end up with her in the movies.

    1. you must be really lonely.. judging by your picture, I could see why.

      1. awesome, not lonely just want the damn phone.  LOL

      2. Judging by your lack of a picture I think you are, even more so.

  6. I lost all interest in this phone when VZW cheaped out on the RAM.  It was like the HTC Titan days all over again. If they do that to their Galaxy S 2, I will be switching carriers. Back to T-Mobile. You got me back once Verizon, but never again if you fail to deliver competitive phones this summer.

    1. 1gb ram is cheaping out?

  7. When they say Bionic, they really mean Photon…

    1. I’m guessing in this case only that SIGINT really means DOUCHE.

      1.  i’m guessing camelz really means pansy

  8. I read they are on revision 3 for the device.  Verizon needs a flagship Android device that is awesome.  We have heard about the Thunderbolt problems.  If they get it right and deliver the best phone to date it will be worth the wait.  It seems like every Verizon smartphone is almost right but lacking one thing or another and the other carriers are coming out with better phones.  Motorola and Verizon need to get this right.

    1. tbird works fine.

  9. Included features: 
    Daily reboots
    Random GPS failures
    3G dropouts
    random software incompatibilities with all major apps

    Did I miss anything?

    1. GTFO troll.

  10. Been waiting for this phone almost as long as I have been waiting for a phandroid mobile upgrade…not being able to comment through the mobile app…is not cool at all…alol really its not.

  11. no need to wait for moto for this crap anymore.  htc cant figure it out with battery life, samsung wont update their shit, lg doesnt know how to make a decent device.  hello iphone

    1. You mean hello RAZR.  Only one model update per year, oh by the way you get a white phone – woohoo!!!  Plus iOS can’t do half the things Android does. You go boy….

    2. You mean hello RAZR.  Only one model update per year, oh by the way you get a white phone – woohoo!!!  Plus iOS can’t do half the things Android does. You go boy….

    3. The HTC Incredible 2 has the best battery life of any 3G device so far. ;)

      1. I know someone who has this device and the battery life is superb and can get a good 16 hours of steady use everyday before prompted for low battery and in todays android devices that is pretty good

  12. How is this possible? I just spoke with Verizon last night and due to their tier data plans I was gonna upgrade early because they had said that a Motorola Rep was in and said they scrapped the Bionic project. Reason being was they are scrapping it to work on a Quad Core device set to be launched end of this year very early next year. I believe they said it was gonna be called the Tecra or something like that. Who is right here? I am trying to hold out for the Bionic but hearing so many different reports about it. Especially from Verizon themselves and the employees that are waiting on the device as well.

    1. The rep you spoke to last night gets paid to sell phones.  He/she wanted you to buy one right then. 

    2. The rep you spoke to last night gets paid to sell phones.  He/she wanted you to buy one right then. 

    3. Targa is what the quad core was supposed toto be called supposed to release around holidays was what they said months ago.

    4. I doubt they’ll race to quad core before they’ve made a killing on a dual core phones (which are almost unnecessary as is).  You have to use your head, these companies are in it for the money.

  13. Well, last day of Summer is Sept 20th, so guess that’s their drop dead date to have Bionic out….

  14. Bionic took too long. I’m interested in the Nexus 4G (I waited this long, I can wait a little longer).

  15. I wonder what “updates” they are working on?  I bet it magically arrives July 8th, the day after Veri$on’s shitty data caps kick in.

    1. Of course iit wont ccome before tiered data atleast those of us with unlimited get grandfathered. July would be early most likely not til Aug sadly

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