
Take the Special K Challenge With Kellogg’s New App


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Kellogg’s been big in the healthy eating scene as their Special K products have taken the world by storm, and now their Android app has arrived to help you stay on the right track with an app chock full of Special K-filled recipes and a plan for each part of every day. I’m no health nut, but if you’ve already taken the “Special K Challenge”, I’m sure their mobile product will fit right into your daily lifestyle. Give it a spin by scanning the QR code below.


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yo, dumfux. Why do you guys never add market links. I’m on my phone and you don’t give a simple download link.

  2. Man, just reading this made me hungry for some cerial. If I had some Special K I would eat that. Oh well, hello Capn’!

  3. @dumass you get the option to get the new app a day early and this is your way of showing appreciation? How about you grow the fuck up buddy.
    Anyway thanks for putting the qr code at the end of articles about new apps, I find it very helpful in my search for new things.

  4. I could go for some Cinnamon Toast Crunch right about now, or maybe even some Cap’n Crunch.

  5. @andrew-if you could explain to all of us how to scan the qr code while browsing from our phones, I would love to hear it.

  6. People fall for this kind of marketing? Kellogg’s highly processed foods are “healthy”? No, they’re not.

  7. @Steve: You used to be able to just tap on the QR and it would take you to download it, but apparently, that’s not working here.

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