When the Samsung Galaxy Fold was first launched, we have to say that we were less than impressed. The handset was plagued with all kinds of durability issues, and there was also the price tag that was way, way too expensive. In short, it did not exactly herald a new generation of smartphones that we were hoping for.
So when the Galaxy Z Fold 2 was launched, we were admittedly skeptical, but maybe Samsung could actually be onto something with its second-gen foldable. This is because according to a report from the Korea Herald, it appears that Samsung is looking to triple the initial amount of shipped Galaxy Z Fold 2 units over in South Korea compared to the Galaxy Fold.
Obviously Samsung would not increase the number of shipments if there was no demand for it, so the fact that they are actually tripling the amount suggests that the phone is seeing a lot more demand that they had expected. Either that or Samsung is being overly optimistic, but for now we’ll just assume the former.
The report cites insiders from the Korean telco industry who claims that Samsung will be shipping a total of 100,000 units to various Korean carriers and independent stores. We’re not sure if the company will manage to sell through these units, but at $2,000 a pop, the company could stand to make some serious bank.
Source: SamMobile