
Someone got the Moto 360 (Android Wear) working with the iPhone 6 (iOS) [VIDEO]


Android Wear update Moto 360 LG G Watch DSC06834

If there’s one area Android Wear falls short, it’s the fact that Google’s wearable OS is only compatible with Android devices. While that’s still a good majority of smartphones on the market, cutting out the iPhone and iOS in general is still hurting adoption. This might be why there were 720,000 Android Wear smartwatches that shipped last year, compared to cross-platform Pebble’s 1 million (which worked across Android and iOS).

But in true Android fashion, one ambitious Android developer managed to get his Motorola Moto 360 to play nice with the iPhone 6, as shown in a quick demo video. The video doesn’t show much, but we get a quick peek at a message being received on an iPhone 6, then its notification being displayed on the Moto 360 like it would on any other compatible device. Apparently, this was done by taking advantage of Apple’s Notification Center Service APIs (the same way the Pebble works with iOS).

We’d be willing to guess that, while many of you aren’t in possession of an iPhone (#android4lyfe), you may know someone who is and has been eying an Android Wear smartwatch. We’re not sure how far along in development something like this is, or how much hacking is involved, so for now, it remains little more than a proof of concept.

[via Android Beat]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. That Dev is obviously a traitor…;-)

    1. Or is just trolling iPhone users with his Android phone off camera getting the message at the same time.

  2. Google has said they’re looking into porting Wear to iOS and Windows Phone.
    I control my LG watch via an HTC One but my actual phone is a Win Phone so that might come in handy.

  3. I dont really see the problem with this TBH. I know most do, but i cannot be the only one who reads this thinking its a shame or anything. A true developer (and a good developer) does not sit there wanting their code to be limited to Android, iOS or Windows. they want everyone to try and appreciate the hard work they do to make something work. I think its cool that there is a way that someone with a Windows phone can, one day, buy a smart watch.

  4. I would love to see Apple users line up to buy an Android Wear Watch… I thought Google was attempting to do this themselves when it was announced. I could be wrong…. #A4L

    1. yeah what is the big deal?? is this going to ruin peoples lives? or will this give developers a chance to produce apps that work cross-platforms? I think we are going to see some really cool things soon

  5. I read another article on this. Apparently it doesn’t even require jailbreaking the iPhone. It would be pretty cool for iPhone users to have choice when it comes to the smart watch and would definitely help smart watches pick up more steam.

    And yes I know, choices + apple are like oil and Water and don’t mix. There saved ya a comment lol.

  6. I won a MOTO 360 during your 22 days of giveaways… that was 2 months ago and I still haven’t received it. Any idea if or when I will receive it??

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