
Google Play Store update bringing new “Designed for Tablets” section on November 21st


Nexus 10 Google Play tablets

The Android team team took to their official developer blog today to talk Play Store, specifically, how it deals with tablets. Android’s tablet market share has been skyrocketing, and isn’t about to slow down with the holiday season fast approaching.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

To better help new and current tablet users find the applications and games tailor-made for their larger screened devices, Google will be implementing a new “Designed for Tablets” section in the Google Play Store. This can be the default view when searching through Top Paid, Top Free, Top New Free, and other tabs in the Play Store. The Android teams stresses that this will be a huge opportunity for developers to gain some extra exposure, all they need to do now is quit dragging and get to writing their apps with tablet users in mind. Let’s just hope they don’t go making any of them exclusive to specific tablets.

Changes will go into effect November 21st and if you’re a developer, head over to the source link for helpful tips on how you can get your app optimized for tablets.

[Android Developers]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Hmm… I want to be able to install and use tablet version apps on my phone.

    1. Root. Flash Paranoid Android. Drink a beer.

      1. Sounds like a nice way to spend my Saturday. I’m gonna try it. Tnx for the tips. :)

      2. speaking of beer…Stella Artois on sale!12pack for 12.99 at stater brothers in Upland, Ca!!!

        1. F&$# stater bros long story short they fired me because I hit my top rate of pay. I could have fought the whole thing with the union but I’d rather not work for a peice of s#!$ company like that.

  2. The lack of this was the biggest downside to the Nexus 10

  3. Hopefully this helps bring beautiful apps to tablets.

  4. About time, this was one decision google screwed.
    Apps on iPad are much better than Android tablet’s because they are more than just supersized phone apps.

    For phone it’s Android or nothing, but the apps on a tablet still leave a lot to be desired.

  5. I wish they had a free/paid section for the phone app when I search. I hate having to parse through everything.

  6. How is TuneIn designed for tablets?

    1. I think it may mean it doesn’t look bad like a stretched app for a phone. Both of these are from my N7:

  7. This exclusive nonsense is B.S.! It’s almost as bad as ISIS. ok, sorry, it’s not THAT bad.

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