If you’re a customer of O2’s in the UK and you’re having trouble with cellular service, do not panic: your phone is not self-radiating and causing all your signals to go haywire. Instead, the network seems to be experiencing outages for many users across the United Kingdom. Many folks have been affected, and problems range fro data to text to calling. As usual, O2 came with the usual “we’re working on it” spiel. Keep your eye on their Twitter account for up to date information. [thanks to everyone who sent this in!]
Cool story, bro
Quentyn, Is there a reason you leave spam on your site as opposed to deleting it like every other self respecting forum online?
We delete spam all day… You would be surprised on how much spam is posted each day. Help out and report spam as you see it… It helps. Also.. Down voted posts to -3 are collapsed so that helps too.
That picture was taken in Oklahoma in 2009. Don’t believe me? Google images > broken cell tower.
I know. I just used a random pic of a broken cell tower. Found it using the exact Google search string you posted.
Anyone experiencing this just switch to the 02 2G network for now, it worked for me.