When Apple introduced the iPhone 16, the company also brought a new hardware feature to the iPhone in the form of Camera Control. This is a physical button that doubles as a shutter, giving users a more camera-like feel. But it looks like Belkin might have something cooler with the Stage PowerGrip iPhone accessory.
The PowerGrip is an accessory that brings DSLR ergonomics to the iPhone. It’s a magnetic attachment that users stick onto the back of the iPhone, thanks to MagSafe. Belkin has even designed it in such a way that it mimics the look of a DSLR, including the addition of a fake lens on the front.
The PowerGrip isn’t just a handle, it also doubles as a power bank. The power bank has a 10,000mAh battery and offers 7.5W wireless charging when connected to an iPhone. There is also a retractable USB-C cable that can be used to charge other devices. There are six different colors to choose from, but there is no word on pricing just yet.
Belkin plans to release the Stage PowerGrip iPhone accessory this coming May, so we should have more details regarding pricing then. In the meantime, what do you think of this iPhone accessory? Will you be picking one up for yourself?