Over the years, Epic has expressed their dissatisfaction with the app stores from Apple and Google. This is largely due to the massive cuts that both these companies take from apps sold as well as in-app purchases. Ultimately, this led to Epic launching their own store, the Epic Games Store.
The problem with creating their own store is that first, they would need to convince customers to download it. Epic seems to have taken care of that problem in a new and massive deal. The company has announced a deal with Telefonica, one of the largest telcos in the world.
With this partnership, it would see the Epic Games Store preloaded onto every device under Telefonica’s network. As a result, millions of Android users around the world are expected to see the app store available on their phones right out of the box. While the question is whether or not these users will actually buy or download apps from the store, the fact is that this deal does lower the barrier of entry.
By making the store immediately available, it might encourage users to take a look and maybe download and buy games through it. This is quite a massive win for Epic, although only time will tell if it will yield the results that Epic wants from it.