
Google Photos getting new feature to hide those painful memories


One of the cool features of Google Photos is memories. This is where Google will surface photos from the past to show you things you’ve done before, people, and so on. While sometimes these are happy memories, some of it can be sad or painful, like a photo of a loved one who passed, or your ex from a bad breakup.

Luckily, it looks like Google is trying to do something about that. It seems that the company is introducing a new Block option in Google Photos. Basically this lets users block a person’s face from the memories carousel in Google Photos. This doesn’t erase the photo, but rather it just prevents it from popping up.

Google already has something similar called “Show less”. However, “Show less” isn’t a complete solution as Google says that photos can still appear in group photos. With “Block”, it basically blocks it entirely. This could be useful if you recently lost someone and you’d rather not see their photos pop up in memories while you grieve. Or maybe it could help you get over that bad breakup.

Whatever the reason is, the option is there if you want to take advantage of it. At the moment it seems that it’s only available on Google Photos for Android. iOS users will probably have to wait a bit before it rolls out to them.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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