In an unfortunate turn of events, it looks like T-Mobile has issued a recall for units of its Revvl 7 Pro smartphone which was launched earlier back in May. With this, the recall covers all unsold inventory, including demo units of the phone in stores. The recall was made known via an internal company memo.
Strangely though, T-Mobile hasn’t been too specific as to what exactly triggered the massive recall of the phone. The company does state though that it’s a measure to uphold its “high-quality standards.” T-Mobile hopes that all remaining stock will be returned by August 14. As for customers who already have the phone however, there’s currently no advisory on how to return the phone, with the memo silent on contacting existing customers who have purchased the Revvl 7 Pro.
In terms of specifications, the Revvl 7 Pro is priced at $250 and comes with features such as a 6.78-inch AMOLED display, a headphone jack, and a 5,000mAh battery, alongside a quad rear camera setup. At the moment, the phone is listed as “out of stock” on T-Mobile’s official website.
Source: Android Police