
Android 15 could come with tools to diagnose problems with your phone


Our phones can run into problems every now and then. But if you’d like to check what’s wrong before you send it in for repair, then the upcoming Android 15 update could be worth checking out. This is thanks to the inclusion of new tools in Android 15 that will allow users to diagnose problems with their phones themselves.

According to a report from Mishaal Rahman over at Android Authority, the Device diagnostics section in Android 15 comes with two new options – “Component health” and “Evaluation mode”.

Component health will allow users to run tests on their display, where it will cycle through different colored screens. The idea is that this will allow users to identify their screens for potential defects. There is also a touch test. This lets users find any spots on their phones where the touch input is spoiled. Users will also be able to view the status of their components. This includes battery health and storage health and to see what the lifespan is.

As for Evaluation mode, this is kind of interesting. It basically allows users to use a secondary, trusted device to access another device. The device that is being evaluated will generate a QR code. The diagnosing device will then scan and run a series of tests. Getting your phone fixed by a professional is probably a good idea. But at the very least these new Android 15 tests will help you diagnose some of these problems yourself first so at the very least you’ll be informed.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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