
Google’s Dave Burke Steps Down as Android Engineering VP


As a result of structural changes within its company operations, Dave Burke – Google’s Vice President of Engineering for Android – will be switching roles as he steps down from his current position. According to Burke, he will be moving to an “advisory position” while at the same time exploring AI and bio projects.

In an internal email now posted online, Burke says that he is in talks with CEO Sundar Pichai regarding other roles within the company. Part of his statement reads:

As you may have guessed based on the subject line, I have some personal news to share. After 14 years with Android, I’ve decided it’s time for a change. I’ll be stepping away from leading Android Engineering and shifting into an advisory position while exploring AI / bio projects. AI has the potential to play a pivotal role in accelerating drug discovery, with wide applicability, including in hard-to-treat pediatric cancers, a topic close to my heart. I’m working with Sundar to explore relevant roles at Alphabet.

This development follows an internal merging of teams within Google a couple of months back, which saw key figures such as Rick Osterloh take lead of new departments. Google says that this restructuring will streamline the company’s ongoing efforts with AI development, Android, as well as its Pixel hardware line.

READ: Google’s Rick Osterloh to Lead New Team Focused on AI

Burke first joined Google back in 2007, and was heavily involved with major hardware projects including the company’s earlier Nexus smartphones, as well as development on Android itself.

Source: 9t05Google

Mike Viray
A writer and content creator with a love for tech and music, Mike is also an avid gamer as well. He and his wife are big fans of Mario Kart.

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