
Google updates the Play Store to be more developer-friendly


The Google Play Store is pretty much the go-to place if you’re looking for apps for your Android smartphone or tablet, thanks to the hard work of developers. At I/O 2024, Google has announced some updates to the Play Store. These updates are designed to help developers make their apps more discoverable.

One of those updates includes a new surface via the Engage SDK. This new surface will allow developers to highlight important content. If a user hasn’t downloaded your app yet, the surface can be used to recommend the app and showcase some of its features that you want to show off.

Other ways that Google is helping apps become more discoverable is through custom store listings. Developers can now tailor their listings by search keywords. The store listings will show screenshots, ratings, and reviews specific to the form factor. This means that a tablet user will get screenshots and reviews for the tablet version of the app.

Google has also announced that they are expanding payment options for apps. This includes support for Pix in Brazil and UPI in India. In addition, they have also expanded on the ability for users to purchase apps for someone else. This is great if you want to purchase an app as a gift or if that user does not have a payment method setup on their device.

These are just some of the updates that Google is making to the Play Store that will make it more developer-friendly moving forwards. Hopefully these changes will encourage more developers to develop apps for Android. It should also help Android users discover new apps to enhance their overall experience.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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