
Looks like TikTok is Integrating Landscape-format Videos for Users


The rise in popularity of TikTok and vertical-format videos played a major role in the adoption of short-form content within the social media industry, as seen with Instagram and Facebook Reels as well as YouTube Shorts. However, it looks like TikTok might be experimenting with ways on incorporating “standard” landscape videos onto its platform.

As spotted by some users online, TikTok is incentivizing elligible creators to post landscape videos more than a minute long in order to get increased views. This boost in exposure will vary though depending on video quality as well as individual follower count. Additionally, creators don’t need to apply, with boosted views taking effect within 72 hours of posting.

Other requirements state that participating users must have accounts older than three months, and videos must not contain ads or content from political parties.

Given that TikTok was one of the earliest platforms that popularized short-form vertical content, it’s pretty interesting to see it encourage creators to produce more standard video content, especially with regards to formatting and length. Last year, TikTok launched its own subscription-based music streaming service, TikTok Music.

Source: The Verge

Mike Viray
A writer and content creator with a love for tech and music, Mike is also an avid gamer as well. He and his wife are big fans of Mario Kart.

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