
Android 14 is finally here and here’s what you can look forward to


Android users, if you’re starting to feel like your device is starting to get a little long in the tooth, then you might be pleased to learn that Google has officially announced that the Android 14 update has been released and is in the process of being rolled out to its Pixel devices first.

In the meantime, here are some of the new features that you can look forward to once the update eventually makes its way to your device.

More customization

One of the changes in Android 14 is Google is introducing more customization options for users. For example, there will be a new way of choosing from different wallpapers at once and update what you want to see, such as creating a custom lock screen with shortcuts, changing the fonts, font color, and more.

Google is also offering curated lock screen templates which will also be powered by AI that can update itself accordingly depending on the situation at hand. Also, Pixel 8 and 8 Pro users can look forward to features like AI-generated wallpapers so you can create something truly unique for yourself.

Better control over your data

Our smartphones contain a lot of personal information that we probably wouldn’t want the rest of the world to see. It might not always be “bad” data per se, but it is our data and we should have a say in how it is being used.

With Android 14, Google is giving users more control over their data related to their health and security. For starters, Health Connect will now be built into the Android 14 settings so that users have a more central way of storing their data.

Android 14 will also provide users with more visibility on how their data is being used by apps. For example, an app might request permission to use your location, but users will also be notified if that location data is being shared with third-parties so that they can revoke access if they’re not comfortable with it.

Accessibility features

Since not everyone who uses their phone is able bodied, certain features or functions that we use everyday might be a bit more tricky for others, which is why improved accessibility is another feature of Android 14 that users can look forward to.

This includes an improved magnifier feature for users who might have vision issues. The new magnifier is more intuitive to use with pinch to zoom gestures, and users will also have more choice when it comes to changing the magnifier size and how much of the screen they would like magnified at once.

There will also be a new Quick Settings tile that will allow users to change Android 14’s font size, and with nonlinear font scaling, it ensures that text is already large enough won’t get too large and cause issues like text wrapping or breaking a website’s layout.

There are also improved accessibility features for those who are hard on hearing, where there will be a new dedicated hearing-aid setup flow that can be found in the Accessibility settings, providing users with easier ways to route audio to different outputs.


Like we said, Google will be rolling out the Android 14 update to its Pixel devices first starting today. Other smartphone brands and models will eventually push out the update to eligible devices, but when exactly that will happen remains to be seen.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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