One of the features of WhatsApp is that users can delete their sent messages as a way of unsending messages that users did not mean to send. Users can only unsend their own messages, which means that for group admins, it can be tricky trying to maintain the group if users choose not to delete their messages willingly.
That seems to be something that WhatsApp is working on because according to WABetaInfo, it seems that WhatsApp is testing out a new feature that will allow group admins to actually delete messages for everyone. This means that if you have an unruly group member who isn’t obeying the rules, you can delete their messages and it won’t be seen by the rest of the group.
There was a bit of controversy over the role of group admins a while ago, where over in India, it was suggested in the courts that group admins should be held responsible for the content of the messages posted in group chats. Thankfully, the Madras High Court ruled otherwise.
So while group admins aren’t on the hook for the contents members post, it’s still an important role in some cases where certain group chats were created for specific reasons, so maintaining the chat and preventing it from being overrun by spam or unnecessary messages is important and this feature could help admins with their tasks.
There is no word on when the feature will be released and according to the report, it is still under development so it could be a while before it becomes available to all users.
Source: WABetaInfo