
Android 12 will make it easier for company IT admins to control employee devices


Some companies give phones to their employees. This is to make sure that these employees are always reachable, and sometimes it’s because it might use specific or proprietary software that is needed for work. Since these are work phones, they might also contain sensitive information that companies probably don’t want leaked.

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These are things that Google wants to protect because in a blog post on its website, Google has detailed some of the security and privacy features that they’re introducing in Android 12 that seems to be aimed more towards enterprise users and IT admins.

For example, some features that IT admins can do is that assuming they have a partnership agreement with a carrier, they can actually dedicate connectivity or prioritize cell service to Work Profile apps. IT admins will also be able to disable or limit the USB port on the phone so that it can only be used for charging and not for transferring files to and from the device.

They will also be able to set a default keyboard for use on the phone, meaning that employees can’t change to a different keyboard app to prevent the risk that a malicious third-party keyboard app could be used to steal login information via a keylogger. According to Google:

“With Android 12, we’re focused on helping organizations achieve the right balance between protecting employee privacy and equipping IT with necessary security and controls. For employees, that means additional privacy controls over which work apps can access their device data, similar to their experience with personal apps. For IT admins, it means more controls to apply the right set of management configurations for work devices.”

These are interesting tools so if you own a company that does give out phones to employees, these could be some features worth looking into to better safeguard your company’s data.

Source: Google

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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