
Huawei Mate 10 Pro Battery Life Review


When shopping around for a new Android device, battery life is absolutely paramount for a large sum of folks. There’s just something so liberating about not having to worry about being away from your charger from long periods of time, even if few devices can make that claim. Every year we hear the same song and dance from manufactures who claim their latest processors and software tweaks will provide multi-day battery life, only to find actual results leave a lot to be desired. Google also says this most every year with new versions of Android, with Oreo being the latest version of the OS to make these claims.

On the Huawei Mate 10 Pro, we have both the manufacturer’s latest Kirin 970 processor paired with Android 8.0 Oreo and a massive 4,000mAh battery. If nothing else, the phone certainly sounds promising, especially considering devices like the Galaxy Note 8 (3,300mAh) and Pixel 2 XL (3,520mAh) offer great battery life but smaller sized batteries. What does this mean for battery life on the Huawei Mate 10 Pro? Let’s find out.

Huawei Mate 10 Pro Battery Life

First things first, I have to start out by stating that battery life is one of those things that’s never the same for any two people. Even when you’re dealing with two of the exact same devices, there are simply too many other variables at play. Whether it’s apps installed, cellular signal, or services running in the background — all of these things greatly impact battery life and can drastically skew the results. For me, all I can do is compare the battery life I’ve received on other devices. Let’s continue…

Over the past few days, battery life on the Mate 10 Pro is unsurprisingly great. What exactly does that beefy 4,000mAh battery translate to for me? Well, I haven’t been able to kill the device before bed, so that’s a good thing. Typically I hit 4 hours+ of screen on time with around 30% battery still left in the tank before turning in for the night. It’s clear the phone should have no problem hitting 5+ hours of screen-on-time, but may struggle to reach the coveted 6 hour mark (your mileage may and likely will differ).

I wouldn’t call this heavy use, but I definitely watch a few YouTube videos, scroll through Twitter, and fire off messages all day. As for more insight, my brightness is usually set to 75%, I have the screen turn on every time I receive a new notification, and have somewhere around 150+ apps installed on my device (including Facebook and Facebook Messenger). Huawei has a few “battery saving” features built-in — like auto closing apps when locking the screen — but I turned that off because it only does more harm than good.

Read more: My Mate 10 Pro Battery Life

Huawei Mate 10 Pro Charging Times

Of course, stamina is only one aspect when it comes to battery life. Sometimes how quickly you can get back up is equally as important. The Huawei Mate 10 Pro definitely excels in this area.

The Mate 10 Pro features Huawei’s SuperCharge technology. I was curious to see how long it would take to fully juice up that 4,000mAh battery, especially when compared against Samsung’s Adaptive Fast Charging (Galaxy S7, Galaxy S8, Note 8, etc.), or the OnePlus 5T and its stellar Dash Charge technology.

I ran the battery down to 0% and carefully monitored how long it would take to fully charge the Mate 10 Pro. For this test I used the stock USB-A to Type C cable and SuperCharge power adapter that comes with the device and outputs at 5V/2A, 4.5V/5A, or 5V/4.5A depending on battery level and other factors. For a more detailed breakdown showing its progress in 10-minute intervals, click the link below.

Huawei Mate 10 Pro charging time: 1 hr 20 min

Generally speaking, most fast charging methods take around the same amount of time to hit a full charge, that’s just how fast charging works. You get the most juice pumping through the battery at first, then things slow down considerably as the phone gets closer to 100%. This helps preserve battery health and ensures longevity. What you want to pay attention to is how quickly the phone hits that 50% – 75% mark.

Interestingly enough, charging on the Mate 10 Pro was consistent and extremely fast, comparable to Dash Charging on the OnePlus 5T which took about the same amount of time to reach a full charge (but don’t forget, has a smaller 3,300mAh battery). The Mate 10 Pro’s charging speeds still mop the floor with the Pixel 2 XL which took a full 2 hours 43 minutes to hit a full charge, or even the Galaxy Note 8 which took 1 hour 47 minutes. Keep in mind all of those devices have smaller batteries than the Mate 10 Pro.

While fast charging speeds are more of an added benefit when it comes to choosing Android devices, extremely slow charging can be a huge inconvenience, even if it’s rarely a deal breaker. In either case, I’m curious to hear what battery life has been like for anyone else out there with the Mate 10 Pro. I know Huawei is still gearing up for a big US launch, so I don’t expect much feedback but if you do have the phone, feel free to report your battery life and charge speeds in the comments below.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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