
10 Hottest Android Stories This Week (December 30th)


The amount of Android news each week can be overwhelming, but you can follow the best of the best with an app called EarlyBird – News for Android. It includes ALL of the Android news you crave and lets users decide what matters most to them.

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EarlyBird has recently received a huge update that allows you to subscribe to specific topics so you never miss stories about your favorite things! Download the app on the Google Play Store or, for desktop users, find related discussion in the Android Forums News section.

Here’s what you picked as your favorite news stories for the week:

#10 – Google Recipes

38 likes – When searching for recipes via Google Search, you will now be presented with a new card which showcases different options, as well as the source for the recipe.

#9 – Galaxy S7 Lens Shattering

38 likes – A new report suggests that many Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge owners are suffering from the camera lens shattering without any impact. However, Samsung is stating this isn’t possible and is charging customers $70 to repair the lens.

#8 – LG G6 Rumors

39 likes – The latest LG G6 rumor states that the device will feature a curved glass back, which would allow for the device to support wireless charging.

#7 – Top 10 Smartphone Apps

43 likes – Nielson has revealed the top 10 smartphone apps for 2016, with Facebook and Google apps taking 8 out of the top 10 spots.

#6 – 100 Best Android Apps

44 likes – Joe from Phandroid has taken a look at all of the different apps released in 2016 and compiled a list of the best apps for your Android device heading into the new year.

#5 – Super Mario Run Pre-Registration

44 likes – Nintendo has opened the ability to pre-register for Super Mario Run on Android. Once registered, users will be notified as soon as the upcoming game is available for download from the Play Store.

#4 – Android Privacy Tips

45 likes – With privacy concerns at an all-time high, Jerry from Android Central has compiled a list of the best ways to keep your information as private as possible.

#3 – Samsung Wireless In-Ear Headphones

46 likes – A new rumor suggests that Samsung will be releasing a pair of completely wireless, in-ear headphones alongside the Galaxy S8. There is also a chance that Samsung will bundle these headphones with the new device.

#2 – Camera Manual Mode Tips

47 likes – Robert from Android Authority has compiled a list of tips & tricks for those wanting to learn how to use manual mode when taking pictures on their smartphones.

#1 – Android Defining Moments

54 likes – Kris from Android Authority has taken a look back at all of the defining moments from the world of Android in 2016. These moments include the release and recall of the Galaxy Note 7, as well as the craze that surrounded Pokemon Go.

What’s YOUR top news item for the week?

Disagree with the Top 10? Let us know in the comments and vote for yourself everyday by downloading EarlyBird on Google Play!


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