
Verizon will not pre-install any apps on the Google Pixel


Whenever new devices are released through carriers, some of the biggest worries come into play when thinking about the amount of bloatware that is pre-installed. Verizon is usually the biggest culprit when it comes to pre-installing an absurd amount of apps that we’ll never use, and most of those apps can’t even be uninstalled.

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So when Google announced that the Pixel and Pixel XL would be coming to Verizon as an exclusive, many of us started holding our breath to see how many apps Verizon would be throwing on our new devices. Luckily, a user on Reddit was able to find out which apps will be pre-installed and found a pretty awesome answer.


According to the Pixel’s listing on Verizon’s business to business (b2b) section, the device will have ZERO Verizon applications pre-loaded. However, once your device is activated using a Verizon SIM, your device will download the My Verizon, Go90, and VZ Messages application. Since these apps are downloaded from the Play Store after the SIM has been activated, they can be promptly uninstalled if you choose to not keep them.

This is great news for anyone who is tired of bloatware and hopefully, we can continue to see this trend in future devices. We definitely don’t need a repeat of the Moto Z Droid and Moto Z Force Droid as those devices included almost 20 pre-installed applications from Verizon.

[Reddit | Verizon Wireless]


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