Project Fi was released as Google’s MVNO option last summer as a way for those with Nexus devices to get the full Google experience. The carrier takes advantage of Sprint and T-Mobile cell towers while providing a low-cost option for Nexus users.
The accompanying application allows you to easily manage and keep track of your usage without needing to jump through a bunch of hoops. However, the biggest catch for Project Fi other than limited compatibility with other Android devices has been that it lacks a “group plan” so that you can include your whole family on the plan.
An APK teardown of the latest version from Android Police shows that the winds may be changing in the near future. Within the teardown, there are multiple mentions of an “Administrator” as well as a few other indicators of group plan support.
The biggest of these indicators is a string of code that allows the Admin to transfer a user to an “individual Fi plan”. This code also includes prompts that will let users know when they have been removed from the group plan and what steps need to be taken to activate their own individual line.
Google may be preparing this new option for Project Fi to be released alongside the 2016 Nexus devices, but we’ll have to wait a little bit longer before seeing anything. What would it take for you to switch to Project Fi and are group plans a step in the right direction? Let us know in the comments below.
Download on Google Play: Project Fi by Google