
Google’s new Allo messenger has an Incognito mode for private conversations


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Google’s got messengers on the brain at IO today. Their newest creation is a messenger app called Allo. It can do a bunch of Google-ly things, including video chat, but one feature in specific is interesting. Allo includes an “Incognito Mode,” like you’re familiar with in Chrome. This allows you to chat in private and not have any record of the conversation when it’s over.

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Incognito Mode puts Allo in the same conversation as Snapchat. With Snapchat, you can have conversations that disappear when you’re done. Allo’s Incognito Mode is the same concept. There are obvious reasons for why you might use this feature. It could be a conversation about someone else that you don’t want on record. Or maybe you’re sharing private documents. You can probably think of some other examples.

Is this something you would use in your messenger app?

allo incognito

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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