
The LG G4 will officially support Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 in time for its retail launch



There seems to be some confusion on whether or not the LG G4 officially supported Qualcomm’s super fast Quick Charge 2.0 technology. LG never mentioned Quick Charge 2.0 compatibility in any of their press materials despite the particular Snapdragon 808 chipset being more than capable of supporting it. It was disappointing for sure, especially given rival devices like the Samsung Galaxy S6 or HTC One M9 all offering support for the new quicker charging method. As we mentioned in those reviews, it really will change the way you look at battery life on your Android device.

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Well, it appears LG may have finally wised up and is now confirming that the device will support Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 in time for its general retail release — even if it doesn’t support it right now. Whether it will have Quick Charge 2.0 compatibility out of the box or if this will come in the form of an over-the-air update remains to be seen. But Qualcomm seems to have gotten word and has already updated their Quick Charge 2.0 device page to include the LG G4. All’s well that ends well, I guess.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Would have been stupid otherwise, 808 SOC is quick charge 2.0 enabled by design.

  2. Kewl. Now if only they’d make a smaller one :P

    1. Agreed. I thought the g3 was to big, g4 is bigger. I’m hoping that the xperia z4 compact will be released soon or that an LG nexus 5 2015 edition will launch. The g4 mini is subpar and does not deserve it’s name.

  3. Quick charge is just a marketing gimick, all the phones with quick charge take an hour and thirty minutes to charge which is the same as every other mid to high range smartphone without it, the Galaxy s6 charges in the same amount, the iPhone 6 Charges faster due to smaller battery capacity. The LG G4 was a let down and now they’re trying to put out all the stops in order salvage the train wreck. LG should learn not to put all their eggs in the same basket.

    1. Let down HOW? It’s a consummate smartphone with no obvious weaknesses. I’m not saying it’s perfect, as I would have loved to see water resistance and USB 3.0 on board. However, they took one of the best phones from last year (it tied the iPhone 6 for best mobile device at MWC, lest we forget) and they improved the UX, the camera (the G3’s greatest weakness), the screen tech, and the processor. It plays ball with the S6, and defeats it in the battery and storage areas while only losing by a nose when it comes to real world performance.

      1. They were forced to step down to a mid range SOC, while the camera is good, it isn’t the best. Also the whole MWC award is a complete scam, they pay to receive that kind of notibility(the iPhone 6 wasn’t even announced at MWC as an example). The GPU on the 808 is inferior to the one on the S6, by a large margin not a small one. Which brings into question of how future proof the LG G4 actually is, will it last you the 2-3 years? with all that said the LG G4 has no actual feature that makes is stand out, doesn’t have a fingerprint scanner which is actually pretty useful, it has more bezel then it’s older siblings. at this point it’s just ehh, not wow. Of course their will be people that buy it but it won’t be a great number by any means, at least this gives Motorola the chance to take second place in the Android game( if they can actually put out a phone with good battery life and camera software).

        1. “…will it last you the 2-3 years?”

          Seems with the growing popularity of JUMP and NEXT and Edge and all of these early upgrade programs – people will have their phones for shorter periods of time.

          Heck – This will be the 3rd year I’ve upgraded in a row and I will continue to do so thanks to the ease of it (and thanks to TMobile for have no contracts!)

          More and more people no longer need a phone to last 2 or 3 years.

          1. The average person keeps their phone for 2-3 years. We’re Techies, theirs a difference. Hell I upgraded twice within a month last year. I’m now rocking a Note 4 and an iPhone 6. Also the Edge and all those early upgrade programs are pretty expensive for the average consumer. The fact that the LG G4 might cost as much as a S6 might make the choice obvious for some. The LG G4 will only sell well if they priced it aggressively cheaper than the S6.

          2. Fair enough!

            And I also hope it is priced aggressively – since I plan on picking one up!

          3. In Canada it’s Samsung and Apple phones for the masses.

          4. Not everyone lives in the “greatest country in the world” where you can upgrade that often without effectively spending $700 for the device + the charges for services, data etc. Get your head out of your country’s junk and smell the rest of the planet.

          5. I’m sorry that before I made my comment I didn’t take into account each Mobile Service Provider’s upgrade policy for every country on the planet. I’ll try better next time.

          6. It’s not entirely your fault. Ethnocentrism is the name of the game in the U.S. and it’s how are lot of people there are taught to think.

        2. The 808 isn’t a mid range SOC, it’s still cutting edge technology, with two more processing cores and a whole lot more horsepower than the chip that got put in the LG G3. Also, it’s easily one of the most optimized Android phones out there for the chip it has…despite having more raw processing power than the G4, the S6 doesn’t blow it away in the day-to-day tests. In fact, most web pages load slower on the S6 in the real life performance tests, the two are pretty much tied when launching apps, and it’s only on the graphics intense games that the S6 gets its chance to pull away.

          I’d argue that the G4 will probably take the crown away from the S6 for best camera…every comparison I’ve seen shows just how amazingly consistent the G4 is on full auto. It NEVER face-plants, and is easily the best shot in at least 50% of the comparisons out there. The S6 does have what I would pick the best photo on occasion, but more like only 25% of the time, and it DOES mis-step too frequently. A good camera, to be sure, but probably not the best anymore.

          Android is becoming more optimized with every iteration since 4.0 ICS, and this things’ hardware is superior to every phone released last year. Of course it’ll be good for the next 2-3 years.

          If you’re looking for the stand-out features, it’s the camera (again, I’m pretty sure it’ll be the best after DPreview gets done), the screen (which looks like the best LCD ever, matching up nicely against the best AMOLEDs out there), expandable storage, replaceable battery, leather back, and the overall lack of weaknesses. You can’t say that about the S6, who has a huge Achilles heel in the battery department.

      2. I agree with all you say, except about the camera. I love my G3 camera. First phone that truly made me forgo my dedicated point and shoot camera.

        1. The G3 camera is fast and clear, but in some ways it is a step down from the Galaxy SIII that I owned before. My problem with my G3 camera is that it’s too cool on the color temperature and its ISO gets unusable too fast (pictures in lower light get noisy and buttery really fast, and you have 0 control over things like the white balance, exposure, and ISO in the default camera app). The SGS III actually offered control over things like that, and I preferred the feature set to anything the G3 brought to the table for those reasons. However, the G4 really changes both of those issues for me.

      3. Totally agree! The only let down for me in the g4 was the missing quick charge and the thickness of the device. Other than that it looks to be a stellar phone – the reviews are all positive as well.

        On my g3,the camera was an obvious and infuriating weakness. Almost unusable as every image smeared. But that seems to be the case only for a small minority of the devices

    2. You are definitely misguided for sure this isn’t October 2014 when the Note4, NoteEdge and Nexus 6 launched. The S6 and S6Edge goes from 0 to 40 percent in 20 mins and 40 to 100 percent in 60mins nothing else matters especially no iPhone or other android handset

  4. So haven’t been following phones for a bit.. Does LG use vanilla Android, or does it have it’s own Sense like skin?

    1. LG uses it’s own skin, this version called UX 4.0.

      1. Thanks!

  5. does it have usb-c?

    1. No.

  6. -___-

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