
T-Mobile HTC One M8 receiving Android 5.0.1 Lollipop on Monday, barely misses 90-day deadline


HTC One M8 DSC06660

The rush to Android 5.0 Lollipop is heating up. After the Samsung Galaxy S5 received Lollipop on Verizon last week, we’re seeing HTC make a big push to update their current — and previous model — flagships to Google’s latest confectionery.

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Last night, HTC Product Manager Mo Versi announced that starting Monday, the T-Mobile HTC One M8 will officially be receiving Android 5.0.1 Lollipop. This was after a false alarm was reported last week (we’ve since updated that post), and is barely a week since HTC confirmed that they would be missing their self-imposed 90-day deadline for Lollipop on the One M8, and HTC One (M7).

Really, you can’t blame them. Android 5.0 Lollipop was a buggy release, with Google rushing to address issues in a later 5.0.1 update, and even more recently, 5.0.2. This is the reason OEMs like HTC (and even Motorola) were forced to wait on updating their devices, lest the push out buggy code and hamper the user experience for their customers. That simply wasn’t an option.

Now that Google has addressed most of the major bugs in Lollipop and polished it up a bit, expect more OEMs to push out an update to their devices in the near future.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Moto G will also getting android 5.0 Lollipop

    1. Already got the update!! Nice!!

  2. Hmm, the T-Mo and Sprint M8 is still the the “certification stage” on HTC’s site. But so is the Verizon M8 (which was just in the “integration” stage the other day), so hopefully this means Verizon will be pushing it out shortly as well.


  3. Where’s the Android 5.0 lollipop for galaxy s5 T-Mobile….

    1. You don’t want it. 5.0 is terrible on my vzw S5

      1. What in 5.0 for the s5 is terrible for you?

        1. Phone is overheating, apps are freezing, SMS stuck as pending, duplicate SMS, a laundry list of sh*t post update that was all working fine prior

          1. Have you tried restarting or doing a factory reset?

          2. Yes, still acting wonky. Bringing it to Verizon store to get kit Kat back (hopefully)

          3. You have a Samsung right? You should be able to use Odin to restore your phone back to Kit Kat. Just find the stock Kit Kat ROM and Odin back to Kit Kat. I’m not too sure if Odin raises any counters for tampering, or if you have to be S-Off to even use it. Haven’t had to work on a Samsung device in a while.

      2. Verizon update that’s terrible? That’s not suprising. If it’s early it a terrible.

    2. Wait for “the developers” to work their magic.

  4. I have to say I’m impressed. We’re seeing Lollipop updates for the S5, One M8, and G3 across all American carriers right around 90 days after release.

  5. Got the Lollipop update for my S5 on Verizon, still waiting for an update for my M8. For Verizon, they’re gonna miss the deadline by a lot.

    1. I bet u VZW gets it before ATT tho

  6. Still Waiting ………….Philadelphia suburb’s……:(

  7. Lovely. I liked Lollipop, but I had the GPe and I missed Sense, so I went back to Kit Kat.

  8. Its 7pm and no update, heard they changed it for Tuesday.

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