Life is not fair: Kim Kardashian’s mobile game has made $43 million

Remember that annoying Kim Kardashian game that was featured in the Play Store a few months ago? The one where Kim looks totally realistic? The one that our own Chris Chavez shamelessly +1’d in the Play Store? Well, people are playing it. A lot of people. But more importantly they are spending a lot of money on in-app purchases.

Glu Mobile, the maker of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (oh sorry I meant KIM KARDASHIAN: HOLLYWOOD), has shared their Q3 earnings report. The Kardashian game made $43 million, which is more money than all of their other games combined. It just goes to show you that literally anyone can make money off of an app, and life is not fair. I can’t wait to play the North West game.

[via Mashable]

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