
HTC now offering 100GB of free Google Drive storage for One M8, One Max, One Remix and more



It’s one of our favorite HTC perks: getting a free bump in cloud storage for doing nothing. Back in the day, you may remember when HTC teamed up with Dropbox for bonus cloud storage after purchasing one of their devices. More recently, it’s Google supplying the cloud storage, offering up a bonus 50GB as part of the “HTC Advantage.”

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Today, HTC announced that they’ll now be doubling that number, providing a grand total of 100GB of Google Drive storage on top of whatever you have now. The bonus applies to newer HTC devices like the HTC One M8, HTC One Max, HTC One Remix, HTC Desire 816, or HTC Desire 610.

In case you’re wondering, the additional bump in cloud storage is guaranteed for 2 years, after which you’ll need to pay up or simply make do with Google’s 15GB of free storage. When it comes to other devices, HTC says specific 2013 models (HTC One, HTC Butterfly S, HTC One Mini and HTC Desire 601) get a 25GB increase in Drive storage after upgrading to to Sense 5+ or 6. It’s not much, but better than nothing.

To claim your Google Drive storage, simply open the Google Drive app on your phone and redeem the offer that pops up. Those already enjoying the previous 50GB offer will only see a nice little 50GB bump. Cheers.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Could this be added to the Chromebook 100GB two year deal as well?

    1. Yes. I woke up today to see my Drive had gone from 125gb (inc. Chromebook offer) to 225gb.

      1. TY

  2. Nice, 125GB now :).

  3. I got 115gb now. Only using 4% of it LOL

  4. I just got the email. No complaints :)

  5. I wonder if it reset the 2 years for me (I had already had the original 50 free)

  6. I got this email today and was confused, but now I have 115 GB so YAY. Now I can transfer my stuff from Dropbox and use Google exclusively.

  7. If only gdrive had auto photo backup like dropbox

    1. That feature is part of the photos app that comes with your Google+ app. It is a service that google provides but directly through their photo application.

    2. Google+ does. Its the only thing I use it for. Along with Dropbox as well.

      1. yeah but it sucks compared to dropbox. It stores all the images on google+ and not in a folder on drive. so you need two apps for what dropbox does in one. And it is a hassle to manage and re-order images on + due to it all having to be done on the web not the files in it’s self.

  8. Man I need that space…. No love for my LG G3… Gonna pay $2 per month for 100GB

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