
Tumblr update for Android declares war on boring profiles


Tumblr Android

Let’s face it, your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. profile is not unique. It has your own personal profile photo and maybe some color choices, but the basic layout is exactly the same as every other user. Tumblr sees this as a problem, and in their upcoming update for Android they are doing something to fix it.

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If you use Tumblr on the web you know that everyone’s profile can be completely customized. Think of it like a modern version of MySpace that doesn’t suck. In Tumblr’s mobile apps, however, every profile looks the same. That changes in version, which can be downloaded today from the Google Play Store. Users can give their profile custom accent color, background color, font, and cover photo. The simple tools let any user easily create a unique look for their profile.

At 16 minutes per visit, people stay on Tumblr longer than Netflix, Facebook, and Twitter. You can share photos, videos, text posts, and a lot more. If you’ve never check it out now is a great time. Be sure to follow us on Tumblr for all of your Android news, too!


[via The Verge]

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. Definitely a needed feature

  2. I tried to use Tumblr, but I didn’t know how to respond to people. LoL!!

    Like, I had my opinions to say too. =.3

    1. Sometimes people will have responses enabled, but if they don’t you can reblog it and add your comment.

    2. You’ll grow to hate it. It’s cancerous.

  3. Who spends less than 16 minutes on Netflix?? Do you watch half a show and just quit?

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