
HTC One M8 vs Samsung Galaxy S5 specs comparison


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So the all new HTC One M8 has been announced, is now available, and has been groped to no end. By now you’re probably wondering how it compares to the other big phone launch of the first quarter of 2014.

htc one m8 vs samsung galaxy s5

We’re talking about the Samsung Galaxy S5, of course, which was announced at last month’s Mobile World Congress (be sure to find our hands-on here). How do these two stack up? Almost as well as both previous handsets in the series did — nearly indistinguishable when looking at specs alone, so let’s take a closer look!

Build and Design

Not many people were thrilled with the Samsung Galaxy S5’s dotted (or dimpled, as HTC calls it) back plate, though we can’t imagine a nice case doesn’t take care of that.


The South Korean juggernaut still chose mostly plastic for the fifth version of this flagship, but that’s not so bad. Plastic can be durable, and — if properly taken care of — can also look good over time. It also keeps you clear of any possible reception issues that metal might introduce.

htc one m8 hands-on 23

Still, we can’t help but to stare at the all new HTC One M8’s metal exterior. Its unibody chassis coated in the neutral colors seen below draw our eye just as much as the original did.

htc one m8 all colors

We would have loved it if HTC used the lack of hardware navigation buttons as an opportunity to cut down on the vertical length of the device, but woe are those who don’t get what they want. The HTC One M8 might not have taken a huge leap over the previous model in terms of design language, but you simply don’t fix what isn’t broken.


htc one m8 hands-on 2

Both devices are sporting a 1920 x 1080 display. It’s quite interesting that neither decided to push things to the limit, though perhaps these companies are finally learning that increased screen resolution just doesn’t make much of a difference to the human eye at these limited screen sizes.

There is a bit of size difference, though, with the all new HTC One coming in at 5 inches and the Galaxy S5 stretched out to about 5.1 inches.

Processor, Performance and Battery

This is where these two seem like twins — both are packing the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 chipset, and both are also infused with 2GB of RAM. Samsung’s model does come clocked about .200MHz faster, for what it’s worth. We should also note that Samsung will use their own Octa-Core solution for handsets in select markets, though we don’t expect that configuration to be as widely available as the Snapdragon one. The HTC One M8 enjoys a standard 32GB of internal storage alongside a microSD card slot, though, so it gets a bit of a leg up there.

The difference in perceived performance will undoubtedly come at what is going on at the software level. The two might have nearly the same exact internals, but they can run extremely different depending on how much or how little optimization is done.

In the areas of battery, the Samsung Galaxy S5 enjoys a 2,800mAh pack inside, while the all new HTC One has 2,600mAh. HTC says they’ve conditioned the HTC One M8 to go easy on it, though, as they claim to be able to pull about 21 hours of talk time out of it. They also have a new “extreme battery saving” option that will allow the phone to survive for two whole weeks on a full charge (so long as the user isn’t actually using it, natch).

Software and Features

htc one m8 landscape

HTC Sense 6.0 on the all new HTC One M8 didn’t take many huge leaps, though we do get a few new features. For starters, new unlocking mechanisms called Motion Launch now allow you to double tap your display to unlock to the home-screen, or use swipe gestures to go straight to the camera, BlinkFeed, and more.

BlinkFeed also gets a bit of a facelift, though basic functionality of providing updates about news, social network posts and more are largely unchanged. One of the most obvious changes is the addition of on-screen navigation buttons in absence of physical ones. HTC also added new camera features and enhanced Zoe, though we’ll be discussing those in a separate section. Rounding out the list are redesigned Gallery and SenseTV apps.

samsung-galaxy-s5-FEATURED LARGE

The Samsung Galaxy S5’s user experience was more of an iteration than a reinvention, as well. Samsung took care to center the experience around health more than ever before, and also threw in some newly-styled quick settings toggles.

The device’s Fingerprint scanner also gives it a unique way to unlock the phone, though there isn’t much else for it to do beyond providing enhanced security and an easy, quick way to process Paypal payments. The Galaxy S5 can also monitor your heartbeat if you want it to — perfect for all you health nuts out there.


This is one of the most interesting areas of competition between these two, especially for the all new HTC One M8. HTC has introduced a dual-camera configuration that isn’t totally unlike that which we got on the HTC EVO 3D a few years ago.

The HTC One’s main rear camera is still an UltraPixel sensor — which focuses on wider pixels for better low light performance more than higher megapixel count — but has been supplemented with a 2.0 megapixel camera that enables a couple of cool new things.

htc one m8 featured large camera

For starters, this will help users refocus shots after they’ve already been taken. It’s great for those fast shots where you didn’t have time to get everything setup exactly how you wanted before snapping the photo.

There’s also a “foregrounder” tool that will allow you to quickly and easily extract subjects out of a photo which will come in handy for setting up your own whacky scenes. It also allows you to enable some cool 3D effects that can only be done by having two cameras.

Rounding out HTC’s camera features include an upgraded Zoe mode, which can now automatically optimize your video / photo highlight to the beat of whichever soundtrack you chose (meaning your slideshow will flow just as naturally as the music does). HTC tells of an upcoming cloud and share feature, though this isn’t available at launch.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 stayed on a more traditional route in terms of camera, with the company bumping the sensor to 16 megapixels. More than just a megapixel increase, though, Samsung is using their new ISOCELL camera sensors that could allow DSLR-like photos without having to have a DSLR-sized sensor. More about all of that can be found here.

What’s your take?

And that about does it for these two. Two great smartphones, two great options for the first half of 2014 (one of which is already available as early as today). Which one would you go with? You already know what to do with the poll below, so take care of that. Have more to say than a simple tick box on a poll? The comments section below should get you well on your way to a very capable soapbox.

[polldaddy poll=7912351]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

These HTC One M8 commercials featuring Gary Oldman are the best [VIDEOS]

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  1. neither phones interest me to the point I want to buy at this moment..I simply have to see what 4Q 2014 will offer…. But if I had to chose between these two………………HTC One M8 takes the cake.

    1. I would agree. Neither is that big of an upgrade over the previous generation for real world use. The S4 and One don’t lag or slow down for anything thrown at them. Benchmarks show a big difference, but my day to day use doesn’t involve benchmark scores.

      1. To be fair these phones are usually aimed at gs3/one X owners

  2. HTC One M8… is this really a competition?

    1. No. Its a comparison.

      1. Oooh Kill em

    2. In what sense (honestly no pun intended)? Is the M8 going to sell as much as the S5?

      1. What sells more doesn’t generally mean it has a higher quality, very much the case of the Samsung.

        1. So on what bases do u say no competition between S5 and M8 other than unit being sold??

        2. while that may be, that means nothing to the oem. it’s all about the scoreboard. nothing else matters.

    3. Yes, the S5 Wins: camera, removable battery, near-water proofing, etc…

  3. M8 is a beauty

  4. Got an up-close look @ both phones this afternoon (fortunate enough to live near a BEST BUY that has a GS5 working demo + VZW right across the street).

    If I were a 1st time potential GALAXY or ONE customer, I woulda went for the HTC ONE M8.

    Too bad the GEAR or GEAR FIT isn’t compatible w/any other mfg. The new GEAR is much better looking watch than the OG GALAXY

    Anyway, back on topic, I’d actually choose last year’s ONE over this one.
    Virtually no difference in usable screen surface (THX to the Triple-Chin,quietly brilliant?!), only “major” improvement is the SD CARD slot.

    1. I guess you don’t worry about the significantly improved battery life as well.

      1. I had no problem w/battery life on the M7.
        More is always better though, no argument there.
        As for looks, I’d pick last year’s model as well, don’t care too much for the increased corner radius.

        I’m a phone ho, & when T-Mobile has this in stock, I’ll no doubt take another look.

        There was a lot I liked, but, B/T has to be flawless before I’d even consider it, more important to me than the multi-chin. I could overlook that if all else is OK.
        If word comes out that a MAX version will be available for all carriers (GSM), I’ll wait for that to land…..

        1. oh yeah im not saying battery life of the m7 was bad, i’m just saying reports showed significant improvement, and i’m sure we’d all like all of our phones to start approaching that droid maxx/note/g2 battery status

  5. You know, I have to say side by side the S5 actually looks better than when it was revealed(other than the actual looks). I mean it’s tough to argue the specs – better battery, better processor and it’s water proof. Of course I do have to go back to the band-aid back side and heart rate gimmick, I mean feature…
    Hell I don’t know – Where’s the Note 4?!?!

    1. I couldn’t care less about the band-aid backside, but having only 16gb of storage really hurts it, esp since Kitkat is making it more of a PITA to move apps to SD card.

      1. Making it more of a pita. I hadn’t realised pitas were now used as a metaphor for something being difficult.

  6. Still can’t get over the double chin of the One. Why is it there?

    1. Paying homage to the HTC Legend?

    2. And you don’t have to buy it. There, Problem solved.

    3. Double-chin? What are you talking about? It’s a phone, not an overweight person.

  7. 4MP camera in 2014, no thanks HTC.

    I just read a camera comparison comparing the HTC One M8 to last years flagship phones and it came in last place.

    Yes, a flagship device in 2014 came in last place compared to devices from 2013.

    Goodbye HTC.

    1. Oneplus phone for you if the camera is good?

  8. neither for me the m8 large bezels, wasted space with that logo, i was really looking forward for smaller bezel just like the lg g2

    1. I know it doesn’t look very appealing in all of these leaks and videos we’ve seen, but I think after actually using it you pretty much forget about. I’m not letting that stop me from picking up one of the best handsets that will be released this year.

      1. It’s not just the looks… I already thought last year’s HTC One was too long. It didn’t feel comfortable in my hand, and this year’s version is apparently less so.

    2. Yep, two phones that got bezels right was the Galaxy S4 and the LG G2.

      I Hope other manufactures do the same as I don’t want larger devices.

      1. My pants pockets are getting bigger. Go almost-bezelless LG G2 and others!

    3. Dat bezel (is terrible).

  9. If the G3 has this kind of aluminum design and maintains the bezels to a minimum, I would be so happy.

  10. I assume HTC is using the Super LCD screen tech rather than Samsung’s AMOLED. I think this is an advantage they dont talk about much. Its much brighter and easier to read outdoors. Some of us do venture outdoors from time to time. The S4 is very difficult to see in the sun.

    Which would I pick? Neither.

    1. It’s really not, I’ve never had any problems seeing the Galaxy S4 display outside.

      1. Well, my wife has the S4 and I find it and any amoled screen very difficult to see outdoors. The LCD on the HTC One is not ideal either; but much better than the amoled outdoors.

        1. US or International version?

          Do you know that the Galaxy S4 can only achieve it’s highest brightness level when set to auto brightness?

          Also the international version has a slider with some more control over brightness, you can make it a little brighter or dimmer depending on taste.

      2. GS3 sucks for viewing the phone in bright sunlight.

        1. The Galaxy S3 just plain sucked, just leave it be.

  11. Skip these.

    1. Looking to see what LG brings with their G3. But for the time being I’m happy with my S4.

  12. Not getting either, but I would say the s5 won this one just because I can drop it in the toilet, get pushed in the pool or spill beer on it and wouldnt have to worry to much, surprised this wasn’t in the comparison lol

    1. There are photos of the new One submerged in water, it might be on par there

      1. They ain’t advertising it, so I’m assuming the worst when I get drunk and decide to do a cannon ball in the pool with my $700 smartphone in my pocket.

      2. Water damage isn’t always immediate, it can take days, weeks and even months.

        It’s too early to say the phone took no damage during the dunking, it’s great that it kept working but I would take a bet there will be long term damage to that phone.

  13. If the S5 has a 32gb storage option on AT&T, it would be a no-brainer pick for me. If not, think I might have to pass on both phones, since I don’t give a rat’s arse about aluminum.

    1. Aluminium is certainly cool for a device build material but it’s far from necessary when a device is made of decent quality plastic and you use a case. People need to stop flipping their lids about the whole “metal device” thing. I blame Apple and the i(diot)Phone for that.

  14. Better specs on the S5, waterproof and band-aid back can easily be fixed with an Otterbox

    1. Or simply a replacement batter cover, I’ve already seen some pop up.

    2. An Otterbox is just as ugly if not uglier than the band-aid back. o_O

      1. Give this guy a trophy

      2. What case would you recommend?

        1. D30

        2. Dualtek, look it up on Amazon. I have a blue one for my S4, don’t know if their out yet for the S5 though.

          1. The Spigen cases look sweet. I might check them out. Sorry to get off main topic.

        3. Look at the mid-range ones from Ballistic. Good balance between bulk added and protection. Lifeproof is pretty crazy if you’re looking to get hit in the legs with hammers all the time. Your bones will break but your phone might not.

        4. I usually go for slim cases but my needs for a case are most likely different from yours.

      3. Guess that makes you ugly enough to implode the universe, based on your expertise as a beauty judge.

        1. I wish I could get back the two seconds of my life I’ve spent reading this comment.

    3. I like the bandaid look lol. Otterboxes on the other hand…

      1. You about have to have a case. I think the Commuter looks fine and works great.

      2. Otterbox cases add way too much bulk, I use a case by a company called Dualtek, good balance between protection, but not too much bulk.

        1. Looks like a good case. I use the Commuter not the Defender. Other than the grips on the side and more bulky corners, the Commuter and Dualtek look the same. Can we agree that the S5 is better than the htc?

      3. i like the “band aid” look, it’s definitely different, but hey the thing is waterproof.

  15. Wake me up for their 2016 models. Maybe there will be a point to upgrade then.

  16. What about the Galaxy S5 having a removable battery? That’s a pretty big omission from the article in my opinion.

    1. I don’t consider that relevant.

      1. That’s pretty unfortunate considering that your work can influence buyers Quentyn. Both you and I know that removable batteries and expandable storage are a hot topic for smartphone consumers. To do a comparison such as this and leave out the removable battery in the GS5 because of what “you” feel is relevant opposed to the community and consumers that you’re helping make purchasing decisions is a little bit irresponsible in my opinion. No disrespect meant here Quentyn.

      2. This is hugely relevant to power users. For those of us that go to conferences all day and then out that night, removable battery is a life saver. Sure you can pack and extra battery pack and cord, but a slim battery is so much easier on the pocket. Removable battery and IP67 dust and water protection are big differences in my mind.

  17. I really like the new One’s design but the S5 just has a lot more features that i’m interested in. / or are better. Take for instance, ISOCell. It will probably be better than the Duo’s as it’s getting some horrible reviews. Also, the IP67 rating and USB3.0 Fingerprint sensors, and touchwiz. If I had to pick it’s be the S5 no brainer. In the end tho, im getting neither but the upcoming Note.

    1. 100% agreed
      – from fellow tech-junkie anxiously waiting for note 4 release..already..-

  18. S5 is much better than HTC M8, we all know that…

  19. Either phone will be a huge upgrade, since it’s almost 2 1/2 years for us. Both of our phones have been totally reliable for that time, and both were Samsungs. But if I can actually try both phones side by side I’ll have a better idea which we’ll actually pick, and my wife and I might split on the decision.

  20. We have allot of HTC fans on phandroid it seems, I guess we must have allot of US users.

    Seriously, how bad has the camera got to be before you wouldn’t by a HTC phone? or would you buy it anyway even if it never had one? lol

    1. there are plenty of nexus users out there too, so camera isnt a priority for everyone

      1. Nexus 5 has a better camera than the HTC One M8 and that has optical image stabilization.

        What’s your point?

        1. that the m8 is the *only* flagship phone that the nexus 5 has a better camera than… so if the camera was all that important to everyone the nexus line in general ( nexus 5 and nexus 4 galaxy nexus) wouldn’t have as many sales as it did.

          1. Really? you have to compare to devices launched 2-3 years ago for something comparable, that’s hilarious. :D

          2. you are obviously missing the entire point of the statement. I shall reiterate.

            i said the nexus 5 camera is the worst amongst all flagships outside of the m8… which means that an excellent camera isnt the priority for many users. That conclusion can be came to given the amount of phones that have sold with mediocre to crappy cameras. If the camera was a priority for everyone… then none of the nexus devices (nexus 5, nexus 4, or galaxy nexus) would have sold at all because they all launched with camera abilities that were inferior flagships that were previously released earlier that same year… gs4/g2 vs nexus 5… one x, gs3, optimus g, note vs nexus 4, etc)

          3. The Nexus 5 camera is actually pretty good, it also supports optical image stabilization so it’s good in low light conditions as-well.

            Also your missing the point, the Nexus 4 is from 2012 and in 2012 the Nexus 4 had a reasonable camera, but times have changed and so have the cameras.

            Well every other manufacturer has moved on, HTC have gone backwards however.

            2007 called, they want their camera back HTC. :P

          4. im not saying the camera is shitty, none of these phones (outside of nexus 4) have shitty cameras…. what im saying is if a excellent camera was a priority then the Nexus would never be the first choice of a phone. Because every year when a nexus is released there are already 4 phones in existence with far superior cameras.

            When the nexus 4 coming out in 2012 has NOTHING to do with the argument. I was saying in 2012 the nexus 4 camera was significantly worse than the other 2012 competitors, yet it still had sales…. and if the camera matter that much to everyone then it wouldnt have had any sales.

          5. It has everything to do with it, back in 2012 the quality of the Nexus 4 camera was acceptable because other devices at that time were not much better, but that is not the reason the Nexus line sells.

            The Nexus 4 sold because it offered great features for a very affordable price, if they tried to sell it for the same price as a Galaxy S3 then it wouldn’t have done so well, so because it was sold for allot less it didn’t matter as much that the camera wasn’t as good.

            Or do you think HTC One should drop the price of the HTC One M8? I agree with that, users might overlook the camera then. :S

          6. but that’s what im saying… the quality of the nexus 4 camera was far from on par with the rest of the 2012 smart phones… i actually switched from an Evo LTE to a Nexus 4 (sprint to tmobile) and the drop off in camera quality was quite significant. It wasn’t even close.

            And you bring up price, which is why i brought up the galaxy nexus… which was the same price as all other flagships but had an extremely average camera. But even if price the ONLY reason someone bought a nexus 4 or 5 over a gs4 or gs3… then you are still proving my point… that in that case price was the priority.. and not the camera… so again.. the phone’s camera… is not the priority for everyone.

          7. People will buy what they can afford, it doesn’t mean they don’t care about camera quality if they can’t afford to buy the latest Apple or Samsung phone.

            The Galaxy Nexus is from 2011, all the cameras from phones in 2011 were crap. LOL

          8. Most people buy phones on contract… so they are all pretty much the same price… most people CAN afford $200 for a phone they just don’t want to if they don’t have to….

            Yes the Gnex was from 2011 but the other 2011 phones had better cameras…. just like in 5 years we will be saying cameras from 2014 were crap… does that mean that one camera isnt better than another today?

            It sounds like your argument is… people buy phones ONLY for their camera quality and nothing else. They buy whatever phone they can afford that has the best camera… no other factors are involved. right?

          9. I never said users only buy phones for the camera. :S

            Clearly they don’t, as the allot of people bought the first HTC One which had an even worse camera. :D

          10. Lol OK then so like I saidsaid originally…. Camera isn’t a priority for everyone

          11. Well look at it this way,

            Samsung had record profits

            HTC are losing money.

            They need this phone to be successful, lets see if they make any money this quarter, my bet is they won’t.

          12. I agree. I think they’ll do better than they did last year, buy I don’t know if it’ll be enough. They’ll need to really go hard in marketing. I’m actually upgrading from a nexus 4 this spring and I’m waiting for the reviews to come in on the z2. I like the speakers and design of the one but I like the waterproofing of the z2z2

            . I’m not saying the camera shouldn’t have been better I’m iust simply saying for some, the camera isn’t a priority.

          13. It won’t but enough, it looks too much like the previous phone with most upgrades under the hood and many users will be put off by the camera.

            I just don’t understand HTC, clearly the Ultrapixel technology is not providing the low light advantage they’re claiming it does and the tradeoff vs resolution isn’t worth it, yet they change nothing.

            If they wanted to be conservative they could have just used the the same 13MP Cameras everyone else used last year and that would have been enough.

            It’s such a waste.

          14. Optical image stabilization does not make the camera good in low light situations. Stop hating HTC. The m7 I have takes great pictures. Especially in low light. If and since you don’t have one you would not know. And yes I will be getting m8 as well. My nephew has optimus g and will be getting g2 as well. All 4 tremendous phones.

    2. I don’t use phone camera much, HTC One’s camera captures good quality images, for what people use phone camera’s for, plus it has awesome low light images. For anything more than that I’m fortunate enough to afford an expensive DSLR…just saying.

  21. Hmmm I’ve got the Galaxy S4 and both of these phones seem a big lacklustre for me. Positive real world reviews of the camera in difficult conditions could possibly sway me but for now it’s not that intriguing. The potential of what the Moto X successor could be has got me excited. That along with a Moto 360 could be a killer combo assuming it’s priced right.

  22. Just saw this on TV. It’s not perfect, but I think this is the direction HTC should take with marketing. They should make the HTC One seem like a premium device for people interested in premium things. And it’s not like it isn’t true to an extent. Either way, a decent start to what will hopefully be an ad campaign that will actually benefit HTC…..bt stil personally wthr its htc or Acer liquid all are of 1 use … that is for calling :P :D

  23. You figure I would be done laughing at the S4/s5 after looking at the 13/16mp camera so many times.
    Unless there is a miracle performance adjustment they put in the 16mp camera, this thing is just too slow to be useful.
    Sure, when you have all day to focus on one shot and take it over and over again, it’s awesome to have 13mp pictures. 99% of the time, that just doesn’t happen. And if you really not making professional shots, you’d be using a SLR. Instead of making it better, samsung decided to give it even more MPs. Now it’s eve more unusable.
    Perhaps you enjoy all the blurry shots, so you can leave your memory to imaginations.

  24. I honestly don’t see what everyone loves about the HTC one. I feel that the s5 offers so much more.

    1. Honestly? Scroll up and look at the comparison, what “much more” does S5 has beside camera resolution (Crappy cheap build at cost same or more, cartoonish touchwiz, fake chrome, HR monitor (what’s the use of it?), Slow performance)?

      I don’t use phone camera much, HTC One’s camera captures good quality images, for what people use phone camera’s for, plus it has awesome low light images. For anything more than that I’m fortunate enough to afford an expensive DSLR…just saying.

      1. Wrote a responce… put it in wrong spot…

      2. Ahh, another user brainwashed by Apple into thinking metal equals good build quality.

        Your such a tool, you know that right?

        Anyway, features the Galaxy S5 has that the HTC One M8 does not have…

        4K Video Recording
        16MP Camera, larger sensor and ISOCELL matrix – Google it.
        Fingerprint Scanner
        Heartrate Monitor
        Removable Battery Cover
        Replaceable Battery
        It’s faster (It’s clocked higher)
        USB 3.0 Support
        Larger Display
        OLED Display (OLED>LCD) Opinion but I don’t care.
        Dust Proof – IP67 Cert
        Water-Resistant – IP67 Cert
        Wireless Charging
        Thinner and Lighter
        Wifi MiMO – Google it

        I’m forgetting something, oh well I think that’s enough.

        1. Good enough haha

  25. The note 3 tames amazing photos and so does the s5. But once again. For real photos I pull out my compact system camera. But anyways I don’t find the performance sluggish at all nor is the interface cartoonish. Especially on the s5. I prefer a plastic build over aluminum as I like to have some grip on my phone when not in a case (note 3) as for the hear rate monitor. That would have to appeal to you. Plus the fingerprint scanner is nice. I hope it works with the Google play store. Maybe this is just one of those thjngs… what appeals to you… besides… interface… it’s android… just change it if you don’t like it.

  26. htc one lei they wrote a lei character I hate lair

  27. htc design not a beautiful
    colour not beautiful I don’t like the style of shape
    n cemera low mp not good enough samsung is better from htc

  28. Let me see indoor pictures (and videos) of kids running around with both and then I’ll make my decision. That’s what 90% of all parents take photos of and that’s what matters to us. S5 HDR mode for photos and videos is looking mighty attractive.

  29. Oh look at that, S5:
    -Bigger screen and bigger battery and yet smaller physical size and lighter weight
    -Faster processor and a better camera.
    -If history is anything to look at, it probably has a removable battery, where HTC doesn’t.
    -Same storage options (good catch up on this, this year, HTC!)
    -Faster USB, infra red and finger print scanner

    This is a no brainer!

  30. Check my new video

    New Video HTC one M8

    Enjoy feel free to share/like/comment

    See you next time


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