
Layar app for Google Glass takes the wearable to the next level [VIDEO]


Google Glass Layar 1

When Google first introduced Android Wear early last week — their all new version of Android custom built for wearable devices — our first thought was, “What was to become of Google Glass?” For those unaware, Google Glass runs an OS different from Android Wear, based on Ice Cream Sandwich and utilizing a custom Android launcher.

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But today, a new application from the folks at Layar are reminding us of, not only Google Glass’s true potential, but how the wearable differentiates itself from the plethora of smartwatches set to launch this year. Two words: augmented reality.

Layar, who you might remember from the early days of Android, is back again, this time with a new augmented reality app for Google Glass. The app, which adds an AR layer to the Google Glass, is capable of displaying everything scanning magazines for to display video ads, to the location of apartment listings or other relevant information — all from Google Glass.

Google Glass Layar movie poster AR

Operation is fairly simple. Once the app is installed (via sideloading), the user speaks the command, “Okay Glass, scan this,” and Glass will begin scanning images in the real world. Once a print ad or poster is recognized, Layar will begin displaying relevant information — everything from videos to slideshows.

When it comes to displaying AR things like apartment listings, Layar’s “Geo Layers” shows the user real-time information when looking at points of interest. It’s rather intuitive and for now, is only the beginning. A video demo of the app can be found via the YouTube video below.

Because this is a full fledged Google Glass application, and not using the standard Mirror API like official apps, it will need to be sideloaded onto Glass. Layar was kind enough to provide, not only a download link, but full instructions on installing via the links below. Enjoy.

Download Layar for Google Glass here.

Learn how to install (sideload) Layar on Google Glass here.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Wow that’s just what Layar needed. That has so much potential.

  2. “The app, which adds an AR layer to the Google Glass, is capable of displaying everything scanning magazines for to display video ads, to the location of apartment listings or other relevant information”


  3. The future is here *Throws money at screen*

    1. It’s not working, throw harder!

  4. I think I would feel more comfortable controlling the scrolling with my phone or some kind of other small adapter than by toughing my Glass over and over.

  5. Would be nice if there was an ANDROID phone running it!

    1. You can get Layar for phones and tablets in Google Play, but the reviews are horrible. And if you scroll through them, it looks like they’re being manipulated. The bad reviews look real, generally at one star, but the good reviews say nothing or often say nothing specific to Layar, and they are five stars.

  6. Wonderful, even more reasons for people to not be paying attention to what their body is doing in real reality and run into crap all the time. I’m a fan of new technology, but not when it helps stupid people behave more stupidly.

  7. You see how fast the actors get tired of the app. Nanosecond novelty.

  8. i remember layar on my htc hero with cupcake. At that time I don’t think hardware was capable enough to handle the app.

  9. When will Xperia Z3 release in India ?

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