
Ellen live tweeting Oscars with Samsung Galaxy Note 3


Right now most of America is watching The Oscars, AKA the 86th Academy Awards, hosted this year by Ellen Degeneres. She took a moment to acknowledge she would be live tweeting while hosting and she wasn’t kidding, uploading her selfie almost instantly using nothing other than the fabled Samsung Galaxy Note 3:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


It was a clear product placement sponsorship with Samsung bringing us into the commercial break with Samsung Galaxy commercial featuring the Galaxy S4, Galaxy Gear, and Tab/Note Pro among other devices.


Now until further notice… Oscars discussion below!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. also during E!’s red carpet show they were using Samsung tablets, and actively mention it

  2. S5 commercial wasn’t too shabby either ;)

  3. She’s really funny.

  4. She is clearly not using a gs4. It is a white gn3

    1. Quick edit lol

  5. iPhone >> Trash
    Note 3 >>> All

    1. Ahahahahahah

      1. Everyone knows Ellen uses the iphone, why are you posting it like it’s news? The iphone is still the phone of choice for celebs while athletes go for the note 3. To each their own.

        1. Sorry for your loss…

          1. Also, Beckham….

          2. That was a staged setup it’s not even his phone. He was asked to take a picture by a fan who had an iPhone. He always posts on facebook using his galaxy devices. Plus Ellen is paid by Apple the same way and she’s never bought her own iPhone either!

          3. Here’s Beckham again, on the beach, yet again with a fan’s iPhone 4…

          4. You really like wasting your time don’t you? Do you think anybody really cares that he doesn’t care about his iPhone 4, when he hadn’t even been signed to sponsor Samsung yet? lol….. iPhone 4 was just a beater that he didn’t care if he lost it or it got nabbed by a shark! :D

          5. You look like you care.

            I don’t care.

            It bugs me people that think like OP.

    2. Note 3 = Trash

  6. lol i dont care for talk shows or her, but she is pretty funny!

  7. Duh product placement. Anyone that watches her show knows she uses an iPhone as her personal phone. She does give away lots of Android phones to her audience though. When she gives away tablets, however, 90% of the time they’re iPads.

    Funny thing is, backstage, she’s taking pictures and tweeting them with an iPhone. Lol

    1. Yeah…. but you can bet all the time she was on stage she was worrying about a stage hand grabbing her iPhone 5s….. and Spoof Jacking Up the fingerprint sensor on it! haha…… because even a 10 yr old can spoof iPhone 5s with Authentec Sensor on it with clay or playdough. Can’t fix either till they force you all to upgrade to iPhone 6! lol…

      Check out why here:

      How many iPhone 5s owners already falling victim to profession Hackers if a 10 yr old can do it? ;-P

      Then understand this….. only reason she holds on to her iPhone is because Apple gives her one and pays her to! You fools all need to understand something with all your smug arrogant preposterous claims of Samsung being the Copyist; Samsung has been using fingerprint sensors since 2002 in many different products. Including Secure Access Door Locks, Medicine Lockers in Hospitals, Military and Enterprise Door locks and Pro Notebooks.

      The fact is that they had a patent for a fingerprint sensor in the Home Button of Galaxy S3 in 2011 w/ an image discovered in firmware early last year. Apple bought Authentec out from under the entire industry and guess what? They all glad they did after Apple got HACKED & JACKED and now they’re just hoping you all don’t remember that! …..but hey you iDiots have already drank too much of their FUD’d Up Propaganda and misinformation to realize that now! ;-P

      1. Sounding a bit personal.

      2. I’ll keep it simple – You’re an idiot. You make Android users like me look bad.

        1. Obviously you are the iDiot if, #1 You can’t click a link to verify what I said is true. #2 Search the term “Doublethink” cuz you spend your life doing just that.

          You pitch Apple at the same time you pitch Android and that’s flawed Applewellian Doublethink at it’s finest. #3 You think Apple will have anything like IRIS scanners Samsung already the hardware in Galaxy S5 to do?

          Never happen…. until they sign up to get ISOCELL cameras in iPhones and Apple is too ARROGANT, STUPID and FASCIST MINDED to admit SAMSUNG is leaps n bounds ahead of them and everyone else in the mobile device business!

          What I said about Apple’s fingerprint sensor is fact! Not iMagical Fantasies like you flip flopping (don’t know what you are) Apple ….er Android semi iDiot fans try to spread. In fact you can’t make up your mind what you are. Just like a hermaphrodite hiding in a closet! ;-P … only say you’re an Android fan, when you’re really not. You’re an Apple fan to your rotten core!!! ^_*

          1. I called you an idiot, because you are one. You sit here and call other people names because they like something different than you. That’s just plain idiotic. It’s stupid. It’s middle school level BS. Grow the hell up.

            I am not pitching Apple. I’m an Android user, but I don’t think people who use iOS are stupid, or iDiots, or fools. If that were the case, then I guess I should hate other people who drive a different type of car than I do. Who dress differently. Who like different foods. This list could go on and on and on.

            But, I don’t. Because people have preference. They have a choice. And I’m not immature enough, like you, to rag on people because of their choice of cell phone.

            I don’t give a crap if Apple has an iris scanner or not. I don’t give a crap if their fingerprint tech is not fool proof. I don’t care.

            My original comment had absolutely nothing to do with iris scanners or fingerprint scanners. Your simple minded wanna-bash-iOS-users-some-more self brought it up, for no reason.

            I’ll keep the ending simple – You’re still an idiot. You still make Android users, like myself, look bad.

  8. Looks like Leonardo Dicaprio wont get an oscar this year :(

  9. Sorry to be such a pain, but it’s the Oscars, not Oscar’s. It’s plural, not possessive. As a contributor, we need to set an example, else we condemn the language to a deathly entropy.

    1. OTOH, the purpose of language is communication. Was there something that confused you about “Oscar’s”? Yeah, me neither.

      1. Yeah, why do things correctly when they take a whole tenth of a second to think about.

      2. I didn’t notice anything, but I thought the incorrect way would be correct since this is “their Oscar’s” like you’re given someone an award.

        Almost like a play-on-words. Not a big deal or anything, but then again a small white lie can turn into so much more.

        Kinda like how I thought the news in the USA was told in Celsius until like the 10th grade. =.P

  10. Note 3 (still) rules!!!

  11. Hm, Samsung galaxy note 3 is a best phone. But we want knowledge for use it. Try it with thus website :

  12. I love my Note 3!!!!

  13. She could have just said “capture” and it most likely wouldn’t be blurry because of her awkward position

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