
Google Glass XE10 update said to be bringing third-party Glassware apps


Google Glass Camera closeup

Folks in the Google Glass Explorers program might be feeling a bit slated that it’s not easy to get third-party apps up on the platform just yet (after all, developers did pay $1,500 to own the thing). It looks like that might be changing soon, though, with Google said to be bringing the ability to publish third-party Glassware apps in an upcoming XE10 update.

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This milestone release will apparently give developers access to the various sensors and features inside the piece of wearable tech that make it tick. This deeper access should enable developers to create even more capable software, such as better games and more interactive, functional apps. We’re not sure of the exact level of functionality they’ll have access to, but it sounds significant.

We’re supposed to be seeing this upgrade at some point in October, and if the timing of previous updates are anything to go by, that could be happening within the first half of that time frame. Google will definitely have to get a move on things if they aim to get the platform fully supported by the time it launches to general retail in early 2014. We have our Glass units in hand, of course, and we’ll be patiently awaiting the day this update arrives.


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. And yet the chromecast, a retail device sold to consumers, still has 0.

    1. Really? I use 4 apps for Chromecast all the time. YouTube, Google Play Music, Google Play Movies and TV, Netflix.

      With that said, I know for a fact Plex and aVia are coming soon. Just wait. I’m sure others are on that big list.

      1. Apparently you don’t know what third party means…?

        “they’re coming someday” is not an excuse.

        Kinda like the HTC thunderbolt ICS update.

        1. That last part sounded a bit… personal. LoL!!

  2. This much excitement over a bluetooth device? Really?

    1. Calling this a bluetooth device? Really?

      1. to be fair, by that logic, my laptop and phone and car are just bluetooth devices

    2. What about a bluetooth watch with a rollable display? Would you still be showing all that sarcasm over a “bluetooth” device?

  3. I may or may not be testing an app right now that uses the the native Glass sensor, has it’s own voice commands, it’s own voice, and is completely awesome.

    1. Really looking forward to XE10 – I couldn’t get TeslaGlass to load at all

  4. I can’t wrap my head around trying to have a conversation with someone and seeing the light as they get a notification or whatever.

    1. I realize you can take them on and off or turn it off but all of that seems a lot of work just to have notifications in your face.

    2. The screen doesn’t light up when you get a notification. The user hears a “chime” and can then wake up Glass by tapping the touchpad or by tilting their head to see the notification. It would potentially be dangerous to have the display flash on whenever you get a notification

      1. Aaaaah ok.

  5. The screen doesn’t light up when you get a notification. The user hears a “chime” and can then wake up Glass by tapping the touchpad or by tilting their head to see the notification. It would potentially be dangerous to have the display flash on whenever you get a notification.

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