LG plans New York City event for August 7th, Optimus G sequel likely?


LG Intuition Back thumb

We’ve just gotten word from LG that they’re planning for a press event to be held in New York City on August 7th. No other information was given (not even a fancy invite image), but they were giving press a heads up with enough time to plan for the trip.

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With LG and Qualcomm’s joint announcement yesterday that the Snapdragon 800 processor was confirmed for the next G flagship, we have an inkling this semi-announced device might be the guest of honor. We also find it interesting that this news comes quickly after Samsung’s event in London where they announced the Samsung Galaxy NX and ATIV tablets.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Come to T-Mobile, whatever you are.

  2. This could be a glimpse at the Nexus 5’s face, guts and balls.

    1. As disgusting as that sounds, you could be right. xD

    2. And I for one definitely wont be complaining. Snapdragon 800 and possibly a 1080p screen? It’s been a great year with my N4 and I’d gladly upgrade each year if they do stuff like this.

  3. Don’t come to any specific carrier, just work for all carriers in the US but tmobile would be great as well since I have tmobile now.

  4. Wish they were making the Nexus 5. Did a great job with the 4

  5. I got to handle this prototype, they just called it the LG G, seemed pretty much like the Optimus G but maybe higher res screen and a faster cpu.

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